Our condo complex is private property so a No Soliciting sign DOES apply.
About ten years ago I was on the other side of this debate with a property manager in a similar complex in the same municipality. The manager asked me to leave pointing to the "No Soliciting" sign which we were standing in front of.
I, being the typical pig-headed, self-righteous elder that I was, insisted that this did not apply to us. So, while the property manager stood there fuming, I called the police department.
The dispatcher informed me that I was wrong, and that if I did not leave post with they would be there shortly to arrest me.
Discretion being the better part of valor, I decided to leave.
Later, I shared the incident with my fellow elders. As I recall, we called Bethel, read the relevant "direction" from the Society and discovered that the police and the property manager were right and we were wrong.
It's nice to be not the other side of the door for a change!