JoinedPosts by Oubliette
"And what happened next was simply unbelievable!"
by Terry ini always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
"And what happened next was simply unbelievable!"
by Terry ini always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
Terry, I really enjoyed reading this experience. While I appreciate your twinges of guilt towards the end, remember that these guys are big boys and they actively to out telling other people that their religious beliefs are wrong and only JWs have "the Truth."
Speaking of "the Truth," I'm sure you remember various expressions about "the truth only hurts ..."
They just got a taste of their own medicine.
What is their official explanation for not allowing beards?
by keyser soze ini ask because my gf, who knows all about my jw upbringing, convinced me to grow a goatee, just to see how it looks.
we both decided it looked good so i decided to keep it.
i tried to explain to her that as a jw, i wasn't allowed to grow one, but then drew a blank when she asked me why.
TGNS: thanks for bumpin' the 00DAD thread!
Tired of walking - then get onto your new midget ride-on board
by fulltimestudent inlifestyle: pocket-sized personal transporters could soon be seen on the streets of tokyo.
by at editor on august 7, 2015 in japan, lifestyle.
(from reuters).
Great, another device to prevent/allow laziness.
Why Obesity Is a Health Problem
Branch Manual 2015
by Marvin Shilmer inapparently the backroom arguments have been heard and decided.
the royal commission finally uploaded a redacted version of the 2015 branch manual.
watchtower lawyers were looking to have as much redacted from this manual as possible.
Thanks! -
How are Pro-JW sites handling the RC situation ???
by RubaDub insorry as this topic may have been covered many times but any thoughts or links to other topics on how the pro-jw websites are commenting on this.. rub a dub.
Bumbling idiots..... RC & JW broadcast
by snare&racket inone of the contributing factors to me leaving was the realisation we were being led by idiots.
bethel life reinforced that, middle aged ego's trying to suck up to brooklyn.
ray franz book was a final nail for me, because he described the same incompetence along with the same ego's.
S&R: One of the contributing factors to me leaving was the realisation we were being led by idiots.
Yes, exactly!
When the GB members kept a low profile, it was easy to imagine them as being qualified spiritual leaders. But when they began seeking prominence that illusion quickly vanished.
Over the years, I've met Lösch after he gave a part at a Circuit Assembly, heard Herd "teach" at an Elders' School and endured Lett numerous times at District Conventions.
The collective experience has overwhelmingly demonstrated that these men are exactly as S&R describes them in his OP: bumbling fools.
To make it worse, Herd is clearly a small-minded bigot.
Their recent foray into "television" repeatedly confirms what poor leaders they are, Anthony Morris in particular. What a repulsive human being he is!
Clearly, no God in his/her/its right mind would ever pick these men to represent him, at least not a god that I'd worship!
Let's review: It's a cult!
"You Became So Beloved to Us"
by wifibandit inpixel and wifibandit present, in its original form, gmb_e.mp4 "you became so beloved to us".
JGB: The WT should 'throw-in-the-towel' and address any and all future communiques as follows: "TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS, WIFIBANDIT AND PIXEL."
The truth is, we here on JWN are better informed than most elders and usually find out the latest before they do!
Quality Thinking - Warning: Long Post Ahead
by Viviane inrecently, several threads have had some debate about logic, evidence, critical thinking and skepticism.
i wanted to write a post discussing those things, hopefully to clarify what those things are, why they are important and how to use those tools.
first, logic, at its core, is simply a method for how to reason validly, how to draw conclusions based on a premise.
Marvin: The point is that a person can have a passion for a subject without having a passion for a particular finding based on research of that subject.
I understand and agree in theory. The problem again is that in practice we are dealing with humans. And the fact is that, with us, it just ain't that easy because of the way we are made.
Have you read Mistakes Were Made referenced above (see page 4)? I think you'd find it a fascinating and informative read.
Quality Thinking - Warning: Long Post Ahead
by Viviane inrecently, several threads have had some debate about logic, evidence, critical thinking and skepticism.
i wanted to write a post discussing those things, hopefully to clarify what those things are, why they are important and how to use those tools.
first, logic, at its core, is simply a method for how to reason validly, how to draw conclusions based on a premise.
Marvin Shilmer: The best way to avoid confirmation bias is to release oneself from caring about the outcome
Oh, is that all?
I agree with you, but know from tons of experience that you've placed a pretty tall order and most folks just ain't gonna do it.
The other problem is this: if you don't care about the outcome, you likely won't do the work to find it.