We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Arabia. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?
JoinedPosts by Oubliette
We're All Going To Die
by Garrett inlife has been busy, but i am now on 2 weeks vacation which allowed me some thinking room.
and here's what's been on my mind.. we're all going to die.
no matter what we do, our fate is sealed.
As promised: from Richard Dawkins’s book Unweaving the Rainbow:
Yes!!! We will see Jackson's face!
by OrphanCrow ini emailed mr. stewart about jackson's testimony, asking if the video link would be visible to the public.. this was his prompt reply:.
thank you dianne for your interest.
the it people tell me that mr jackson will be on the screen for all to see and hear.regardsangus stewart.
Dianne, aka Orphan Crow: Well done!
We're All Going To Die
by Garrett inlife has been busy, but i am now on 2 weeks vacation which allowed me some thinking room.
and here's what's been on my mind.. we're all going to die.
no matter what we do, our fate is sealed.
That's right, and we're the lucky ones.
I'll explain why later.
Geoffrey Jackson Royal Commission update
by umbertoecho inhello people.
the rc will still go ahead with it's live stream on friday 14th august.
however, it seem that it will be a video link.
Hi Umberto,
Thanks for the update. What's your intel on this?
I didn't see anything on the RC webpage that indicated Jackson would not be personally present.
Won't get fooled again ...Moon Landing.
by The Rebel inso i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
Really, is this nonsense still going on?!?Fencing: I guess this is what happens when an entire group of people are stripped of all critical thinking skills.
Not "stripped," never had!
by BeautifulMind ini've been enjoying all of the discussions here for a good while now.
i found this site as i was researching things about this religion i've been in (finally after nagging curiosity and questions) but i wanted to figure things out more before coming on here and posting.
i'm glad to see that im not alone or crazy!
Welcome! -
Movies/Books for Cult Survivors
by Brighid infor me, there have always been special movies or scenes in movies that trigger my old jw experience (fiddler on the roof and little mermaid touched me deeply when i watched them as a young jw).
later as a survivor, it was more donnie darko, thx 1138 themes that struck me in particular.. anyway, looking for suggestions on great movies, books (art of any kind, really) that especially speak to or move you as a jw survivor?
there are reasons beyond purely entertainment that i ask..
Anthem by Ayn Rand
Nineteen Eighty-four, by George Orwell
WTBTS Approves of Admitted Pedophiles Serving as Elders!
by 00DAD inapparently it's now ok for known child abusers to be recommended as elders as long as the "sin" was years in the past: .
"for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for years.
" - shepherd the flock of god, p. 38 (2010).
Bumpin' it for Angus Stewart and Justice McLellan -
The recent Royal Commission hearings have stirred up my emotions ....
by troubled mind ini hope the royal commission will be able to force the jw organization to take a serious look at itself ,and will cause some much needed changes.. i have been following the trial faithfully ,and unfortunately it has dredged up some deep pains from years ago .
you think some of that old baggage is neatly packed away never meant to see the light of day again .....but then boom there it is again .. hearing what bcg had to go through, and how she felt trying to get help from the elders was heart-wrenching.
i remember the terrible way young women were treated in the 1970's .
It's no wonder you have a troubled mind the way you've been treated.
Window washers and janitors have no business pretending to be counselors. The damage they cause is untold. Stories like yours give us a tiny glimpse in to the needless trauma JW elders have inflicted on so many people. Multiply your experience by millions and we can just begin to get a sense of it. I have come to believe that this should be criminalized. Sadly it is not. It's certainly a form of abuse.
The real culprits are the leaders of this cult. Sadly, millions of "elders" believe they are somehow qualified to be "counselors" because they spent a few hours being "instructed" by bigots like Sam Herd and Anthony Morris or an imbecile like Stephen Lett.
TM, I'm sorry you've had to go through this. I wish you peace and future where your mind is no longer troubled.
My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed
by JW_Rogue inso that other thread was fun but now i need some help with something.
i was born in the truth most of my family is in.
although they aren't outwardly super spiritual i doubt any of them would ever leave.
Well obviously they'll notice, so you're not being clear in your thinking in this regard.
As counter-intuitive as it may seem, the absolute best strategy is to simply inform the elders you will no longer be able to carry out your responsibilities and other assignments as a ministerial servant effective immediately. (If you want to be nice, you might give them a couple of weeks, but that's just like ripping the band-aid off slowly).
When they ask why, respond politely, "I have personal reasons. I trust you'll respect my privacy in this regard. Thanks!"
If, or more likely when, they press you on your reasons, say, "Look, I already explained that to you. I'm kind of frustrated you're not respecting me and the explanation I've given you." It's ok to show a little irritation at this point.
If they try and play games and fish with a question like, "Have you committed a sin, Brother?" respond with a terse, "Now you're really being offensive," and walk away shaking your head. Refuse to engage.
That's it. You're done.
No other strategy works as well.