ToesUp, We are joining RIGHT NOW!! LOL
Put your hand on the TV set and be healed!
Can I get an "Amen!"?
a source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
ToesUp, We are joining RIGHT NOW!! LOL
Put your hand on the TV set and be healed!
Can I get an "Amen!"?
a source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
a source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
"We are surely living in the last days right now"
Where have I ever heard that before? Oh, I know. That is the appropriate "JW-party line" response to any and all bad news. The problem is, it has never been true, that is at least until now ...
Compelling Proof that Jehovah's Witnesses have been right after all
compelling proof that jehovah's witnesses have been right after all:.
doomsday video.
a source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
i don't know if they're making similar arrangements in other parts of the world but below you will find the letter (and the translation attempt) they're sending to all the congregations in mexico and central america asking them to modify their september 21 and september 28 service meeting programs.. after watching jackson's gold apple watch and lett's pinky ring one can only assume they are a bunch of brazen, shameless and greedy bastards!.
the letter has already been uploaded at the spanish forum and you can find it if you click here or see the attached picture.. the translation "attempt" is as follows:.
august 1, 2015. to all congregations.
Anyone else get the feeling that the Org/GB has lost the plot - totally?
i've been reading about different types of emotional abuse to help me define and cope with my difficult marriage, came across this article : 7 ways a person can be abused, by a psychologist.
includes forms of 'spiritual abuse' - these sound familiar?.
Let's review ...
as far as i can remember watchtower has been notorious for not citing their sources in their literature.
the most they will do is to cite their in house, long living expert by the name of scholar.
after 40 + years all i've ever read is the mantra "one scholar says" ad nauseum.
"This section contains citations of peer-reviewed articles from leading medical journals"