Saintbertholdt: You cannot distinguish creationist parody from serious creationist reasoning. It looks the same.
You got me!
haven't read it all yet, but 15 skeletons have been found in south africa, near jo'burg...
Saintbertholdt: You cannot distinguish creationist parody from serious creationist reasoning. It looks the same.
You got me!
yesterday a witness friend asks why i don't attend the k.h anymore.. me:- " i don't say this often but your opinion is wrong" .
the end.. my reasons for this simple reply were:-.
a) i have grown tied of reading j.w crap.
Good for you!
haven't read it all yet, but 15 skeletons have been found in south africa, near jo'burg...
SB: Yeah but where's the transitional species between homo naledi and homo sapien?
You clearly don't understand how this thing works. No one asserted that there is a direct link, just a relationship.
Seriously, you probably swallowed down the GB lastest 'splaning about the "overlapping generation" nonsense, but you don't have the critical thinking skills to understand REAL explanations.
FYI: A theory is an explanation that is well supported by evidence. You might want to do some studying up about how science is conducted.
In science, knowledge and understanding is discovered. This is different from religious "knowledge" where it is allegedly "revealed" always to some select individual or group.
In science, facts, hypotheses and theories are subject to intense peer review and scrutiny. In religions, nothing is allowed to be questioned.
In science, people admit error and mistakes. In religion, particularly among the leadership of the WTBTS, they NEVER admit to error or mistake.
Get the clue!
check his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
OneEyedJoe: Seems like he took the coward's way out here
JWs ARE cowards. They are afraid to face reality.
witnesses are not supposed to stand for the national anthem but can stand for a flag salute.. you can't say bless you if someone sneezes, good luck!, or " you too" if someone says, happy holidays.. it is a religion of cannot dos.
everything is pagan and worldly.. what are things that are unacceptable to jehovah's witnesses that really are no big deal to everyone else?
Think for yourself, think critically, question the Governing Body or point out flaws, inaccuracies, inconsistencies or any other problems with their "theology."
at around 4 minutes into the september 2015 video splane said "for the man and the baby to be part of josephs generation they would have had to have lived at least some time during joseph's lifespan.".
this is the lynchpin of the wt argument, that two lives must overlap to be considered the same generation.. let's take an example of twins who are born just a few minutes apart.
obviously, these twins are the same generation as each other.
It's Overlapping Bullshit!
bethel clarifies "this generation" via letter.
Jesus "evidently meant ..."
Silly me. I like my "evidentlys" to have actual evidence!
Let's review: It's a cult!
in the latest jw broadcast splane is quoted as saying:.
"suppose there was a man who died 10 minutes before joseph was born.
would he be part of joseph's generation?
EdenOne: LOL you just can't make this stuff up, can you?
No YOU can't, but THEY can, ... and do.
In fact, they doo-doo!
Let's review: It's a cult!
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
George: At about the 12 minute point Splane states categorically that all the members of the current Governing Body are in the second group. That includes Sanderson who some are here questioning.
That is an interesting detail.
I still wonder if Sanderson started partaking in his 20s. As I said above, that would have been quite unusual in the late '80s/early '90s. At least in the areas of SoCal where I was an elder at the time, he would have been looked upon with a great deal of suspicion.
More likely, it's a bit of revisionist history. Who knows when Sanderson started partaking! It doesn't matter. It's all a delusion.
The GB can say anything at this point and the R&F will lap it up like hungry little dogs.
Let's review: It's a cult!
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.