Minimus, I'm sorry to hear this. It must be very emotional for you.
Your mom is lucky to have you.
i just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
Minimus, I'm sorry to hear this. It must be very emotional for you.
Your mom is lucky to have you.
i'm not sure if this topic has ever been posted (surely, i believe it has), but it would be interesting to revive such a topic and hear your stories!.
when my parents heard my first rant (after they told me to be home schooled when i was caught kissing a girl) they entered into a long depression that continues to this day.
my father suffers knowing his once amazing family is now divided, and my mother is equally angry.
They pretty much freaked out.
It destroys their fantasies. Reality is more than they can handle.
there is to be a lunar eclipse very soon i'd be interested in your impressions.
sorry for the length of this, i hope anyone stopping by to read will take the time and read it.
i haven't included any things i would consider "apostate" specifics about doctrines, or major scandals.
it's just a general layout of the path i took to becoming an exjw.
stuckinarut2: It does not need to be an "apostate" site that makes people wake up. I woke up after doing sincere and in depth research IN THE SOCIETIES OWN PUBLICATIONS and the bible itself!
Same for me. In fact, I never visited an "apostate" sites until years after I woke up on my own!!!
Nothing is as damning to the WTBTS as their own publications.
my thoughts are.
1. they want to avoid being made to comply with any laws that come with anything classed as a "school" especially a school with children enrolled.. 2. the mid-week meeting has been dying in the ass for years and needs a revival.
i predict happy -clappy-sing-a-longs to be included in the program.. anyone else have any thoughts ??
steve2: So, the dumbing down continues: Even less is required. Hardly a sign of a thriving organization.
Agreed. Instead of raising expectations, they are lowering the bar.
I ran the first 10 paragraphs of the Bible Teach book through a Gunning Fog Index calculator. It rated it at a 6th grade reading level. And yet the GB, in their "infinite wisdom," feel the need to create a version that is even more simple!
Probably because the current edition is too difficult for Stephen Lett to understand.
It has become a religion for the mentally impaired and the integrity compromised.
please stop it !!!.
we love them.
we all love them.
Esse quam videri is a Latin phrase meaning "To be, rather than to seem (to be)".
Now the Governing Body may seem to be good, they are in fact not.
They are arrogant liars, hypocrites and cowards that sponge off of the hard work of others. They claim to be a "Faithful and Discreet Slave," but in actual practice they behave as if they are the lords and masters over the faithful Witnesses.
They pompously demand blind, unquestioning obedience. They issue edicts like this now infamous maxim from the November 15th, 2013 Watchtower:
And yet, when called on to testify before legitimate authorities, they hypocritically say things like:
They make the Pharisees look like amateurs.
Let's review: It's a cult!
sorry for the length of this, i hope anyone stopping by to read will take the time and read it.
i haven't included any things i would consider "apostate" specifics about doctrines, or major scandals.
it's just a general layout of the path i took to becoming an exjw.
FMF: This brother who serves in the same hall as the GB was asked to never come back to our hall again. When I say he was insane, I am not making hyperbole. He was nuts, he said crazy things.
Great story! Thanks for sharing.
Could you elucidate on your comment above? Some specifics would be entertaining.
i am really struggling with this particular situation in my life, and i really need your help to readjust my thinking.
i am recently divorced from my ex-jw husband.
we were both disfellowshipped at around the same time about 2-3years ago.
LosingIt: I don't know what to say.
My ex-wife did many of the same things. When we were together, she wouldn't do anything that would bring us closer together: hiking, dancing, visiting family, going to a counselor, spending time with non-JW family.
Then, as soon as I left her she immediately started doing ALL of these things. Go figure. They are way fucked up people.
The only difference between my ex and yours is she is still in the cult.
Did I mention how fucked up she is?
You have to live your own life and live it well. Not for revenge, but for yourself.
Congrats on your Master's degree. I just got mine this last summer! I'm making more money, but more importantly: I'm enjoying my life and my work now more than ever!
Let's review: It's a cult!
i haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet.
in view of the cutbacks being announced, this weekends watchtower study is staggeringly badly timed - it's about how kingdom halls should be viewed, financed and maintained.
a footnote even mentions that the same principles apply to "assembly halls and other facilities that are used for pure worship".
i just read an email from a friend, and she shared some very interesting emails from her friends about information on changes now happening at the bethels around the world.
here is the email: .
---------------------------------thanks sally, jesus is directing the org and all decisions and instructions to us may not seem practical from now on, neither will we understand the reasonings behind many of the changes that the organization makes.
Do you understand this?
Of course not. No one could. It doesn't make sense.
If more pioneers are being sent into the field, the result will be more new ones coming into the congregations. And yet, the building projects are being curtailed.
More contradictions.
So, should an announcement like this surprise us?
Yes it should, it absolutely should.
But yet they continue ...
Not at all. As we get closer to the end, some decisions may be made that we perhaps don’t understand, that may seem to go against all logic. Whatever the reasons, obeying and accepting those decisions will result in blessings.
Well that is just fucking ridiculous.
It really is amazing how effective that now infamous quote from the November 15th, 2013 Watchtower has become:
The R&F are regurgitating this nauseating propaganda right on cue.
It's scary to sit back and watch this unfold, seeing how effective the mind-manipulation is. I fear for my children.
Let's review: Its a cult!