Nice comments Fink.
The WTBTS can just wait for the paint to dry: Evidently, it will be dry soon, very soon!
this is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
Nice comments Fink.
The WTBTS can just wait for the paint to dry: Evidently, it will be dry soon, very soon!
inspiring, choose.... i'll start with inspiring: .
frodo: i wish the ring had never come to me.
i wish none of this had happened.gandalf: so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
A Few Good Men:
"YOU want the truth? You can't handle the truth!"
The truth is you've been quoting A Few Good Men wrong for years.
Jack Nicholson actually says "You want answers?" Then Tom Cruise says "I think I'm entitled to them!" Nicholson asks again "You want answers?" To which Cruise replies "I want the truth!"
It is only then that Nicholson serves up the famous line: "You can't handle the truth!"
the date of the letter is october but it was just released today, 2015-12-22..
this is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
If that 607BCE date can be proven wrong, down goes their central Last Days doctrine based on beginning on 1914.
Really? You don't think the fact that Armageddon hasn't come isn't enough? Or the fact that there's been six different teachings on the meaning of the word "generation"?
2015-12-17-boe already, you dear brothers have done so well, sending gifts both large and small.
for in-stance, two children, five and seven years old, sent their pocket money to help build our new bethel instead of going to the circus, writing, "this is much better than that!
this is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
according to a pew research survey ... and it has evolved little since 2007.. eden.
The results of this Pew Survey only highlight what we already know about JW culture in regards to LGBTIQA people and anyone that supports them.
A couple of months ago, Wizzstick started a thread in response to the CO's outline for the current meetings with the bodies of elders. The concluding part of that outline had the controversial section: Concerns Regarding Conduct, Dress and Grooming.
That part of the outline focused on more than just dress and grooming, specifically addressing "effeminate traits … in one's bearing, body language and manner of speech" referring to such as "gender-blurring characteristics."
This directive from the WT leadership is only superficially dealing with outward appearances. It is indeed an attack on the behaviors and ultimately the identity of individuals who may or may not be gay, but are perceived to be by intrusive, overzealous elders who have now been given permission to go on a crusade against anyone that dresses, acts or talks in a way they don't like.
Very disturbing indeed!
Let's review: It's a cult!
hi, for over a year, i stopped attending meeting and field service.
actually, passively disassociated from the congregation.
but i did not stop reading and doing my own research.
I have worked in the same school district for nearly a decade. When I started working there I was still an elder (this was at the end of my waking up to TTATT period).
Now, nearly six years since my leaving the religion, several people--none of whom know about my JW past--have commented on how much nicer, more relaxed and easy going I am.
Go figure.
By their fruits you will recognize them: It's a cult!
according to a pew research survey ... and it has evolved little since 2007.. eden.