There are strip clubs in Fairbanks, but the girls don't have all of their teeth.
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
There are strip clubs in Fairbanks, but the girls don't have all of their teeth.
Proverbs 11: 25b
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
When you are seen visiting a strip club, chances are that you are visiting a strip club. When you are seen visiting a fishing lodge, chances are you are visiting a fishing lodge.
When you are seen visiting New York City, are you visiting a strip club?
When you are seen visiting a village, are you visiting a fishing lodge?
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
The "President of the WTBTS" was reported to be on board. GB members are excuded from witnessing.
According to the Director of the Watchtower Bible Organization, who was also a passenger on the airplane, they were taxiing back to the ramp after landing.
Please compare the two comments in yellow.
As to the other three items, yes those are facts. But do the facts prove the motive?
By the way, your bush post cracked me up too!
DOH! Another Freudian slip!
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
I'm sure that everyone on this site is well aware that no Governing Body member bothers to actually go Witnessing.
I've never seen one go out, but I've never seen one not go out.
So what on Earth were they doing in these apparently virtually uninhabited locales?
As I mentioned earlier, Alaska is it's own branch, with it's own branch office. As is Hawaii. Both states are treated just like a separate country, like Canada or South Africa or France. As a result, Alaska experiences a certain independence from headquarters in NY. Alaska, as are all branches, is under the direction of a branch committee. The chairman of which for years was known as the Branch Coordinator. These brothers and other "directors" often do go along on what is known as "bush witnessing". (Nothing to do with George Dubblya by the way! lol) Anyway, it was not necessarily a governing body member or the president of the WB&TS or the president of any of the other corporations they've started that was in the plane.
but the pic of the super nice inside...... i noticed that the numbers on the outside of the plane pic........ werent the same as the numbers mentioned regarding the plane. so this leads me to belive that these werent actual pics of the wt plane in question........... so maybe it wasnt as nice inside
Good point. Those pictures are in fact not of the Alaskan plane. I think the poster's intent was to just give us an idea of what a similar plane looked like.
to hear of them being bestards toward vicki and the others we dont know about.
This is certainly unspeakable. However, would it be fair to assume that because a person or a group does/did something bad, they must be guilty of everything else we can think of too? I know that bastard Syrup is the one that left the toilet seat up because last week he cursed at a guy in traffic.
*who always puts the toilet seat back down*
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
First, let me say that it was never (nor is it) my intention to rile anyone up. I only say what I say in the interest of fairness. Due to human nature, we often are prone to emotionalism and this can cloud our objectivity. I understand and appreciate that many here have been hurt by the WTB&TS and/or their representatives. This is, among other things, very sad. Thus I want to make it clear that I am not a WTB&TS apologist. On the other hand it is difficult for me to observe the dissemination of views that could be perceived as slanted. Gerry, if you were my worst enemy and someone was saying untrue and unfair things about you, I would stick up for you. Call me dumb, but that's the way it is. It is with that sentiment in mind that I say what I say .
Now, I'll see if I can answer your questions:
Your silence to my request seems to imply you do not have a credible source of information of your defense of the WT's purchase and use of a luxury aircraft to go visiting fishing lodges.
I'm not defending "the WT's purchase and use of a luxury aircraft to go visiting fishing villages." If it could be proven that this is what they were doing, I would not defend that. I am however defending fairness and objectivity. Both of which do not leave room for broad assumptions. Also, a relatively simple multi-seat plane can hardly be called a "luxury aircraft", anymore than a school bus could be called a conversion van.
This plane was purchased at a discounted price and required considerable renovations.
I have access to very good databases and never read that. Would you mind sharing this source of with us? My eyeballs.
This work was performed on a volunteer basis (of course).
As a private pilot, I can assure you that only FAA-certified mechanics on airframes and powerplants are authorized to overhaul an aircraft. Their labor is not cheap, neither are the parts. Would you mind sharing this source with us? My eyeballs.
The pilots are dubs so there's no cost there.
"The airline transport certificated pilot and the three passengers were not injured.
This means that the pilot is a twin-engine commercial pilot; Not your average Alaskn private pilot. Again, commericial pilots are not cheap. Would you mind sharing this source with us? You're right. This brother is not your average Alaskan private pilot.
Flying is a legitimate means of transportation in Alaska and many people, dubs or not, own and operate their own planes
Flying is legitimate. I am questioning the moral and fairness to use donated funds to purchase and operate a fancy twin-engine aircraft loaded with four dubs going to visit villages with no infrastructure other that one fishing lodge and 2 natives? You're right again. If all the villages in Alaska were like that it wouldn't make much sense would it? By the way, I was going to joke and say, "Cool your jets!" but I didn't know how you'd take it! lol Syrup
i was excited to see on a thread that littletoe will also be in fl as well ..ok so sign in..who's going to be there?i'll start the count...i'm planning on going with myself aka karla my sister, also possibly her hubby & her daughter.. .
If I go, can you guess who I'll be going as? lol
the watchtower's luxurious aircraft was damaged the first time in 1995:
"on june 12, 1995, at 1530 alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped cessna 402b airplane, n710ws, registered to and operated by the watchtower bible organization and tract society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing.
Jesus Christ, what did I start here?
Xena and French, you both make valid points.
Xena, you understand me well. I'm defending no-one here. It's just that I can't stand quantum leap assumptions and I hate to see anyone judged based on said assumptions.
French, I understand where you're coming from too and I respect your feelings. I'm sorry if something I said touched a nerve. Please know that my comments were not motivated by any malice, only a strong sense of fairness.
Now, how 'bout some martinis???
martial arts expert kills two raiders .
philip willan in rome .
monday october 13, 2003. the guardian .
I thought Donkey was just kiddin' about the Chinese doctors........