Well I'll be go to hell...
*** yb74 pp. 97-98 Germany (Part One) ***
But more equipment was needed. For that reason Brother Balzereit asked Brother Rutherford for permission to buy a rotary press. Brother Rutherford saw the necessity and agreed, but on one condition. He had noticed that over the years Brother Balzereit had grown a beard very similar to the one that had been worn by Brother Russell. His example soon caught on, for there were others who also wanted to look like Brother Russell. This could give rise to a tendency toward creature worship, and Brother Rutherford wanted to prevent this. So during his next visit, within hearing of all the Bible House family, he told Brother Balzereit that he could buy the rotary press but only on the condition that he shave off his beard. Brother Balzereit sadly agreed and afterward went to the barber. During the next few days there were several cases of mistaken identity and some funny situations because of the “stranger” who was sometimes not recognized by his fellow workers.
JoinedPosts by Surreptitious
I missed where this says anything about beards.
Many thanks to Simon!
by Elsewhere in.
if it were not for all of the very hard work that simon does behind the scenes to keep this forum up, much of the other work others are doing could never have happened.. this site serves as an excellent central location for us all to communicate and exchange thoughts and ideas about how to expose the evil ways of the wts.. simon, thank you very much!
Simon is damn sexy.
Thee absolute Vicious, Hateful, Malicious comment......
by whyamihere inyesterday, i was having a horrible day....(some of you may know).
well i was given the 2 hour long conversation on "how i am a evil unacceptable person".
as in my last thread, i stated that my sister went threw my house and found pictures of my children in their halloween costumes.
Your sister was clearly jealous that she didn't get to wear the pointy black hat and ride the broom. Besides, you're so much prettier than she is...
Rutherford was a drunk and an adulterer?
by Surreptitious ini've heard this mentioned here and there.
can it be proven?
Just got back online and haven't finished Farkel's rather long thread but thank you for the references Lady Lee. That's what I wanted to see...first hand documentation. Greendawn, yes I agree, his drinking seems to be an uncontested fact. At least he was doing something right! BTW, is Malcolm still alive?
Rutherford was a drunk and an adulterer?
by Surreptitious ini've heard this mentioned here and there.
can it be proven?
Actually nevermind, I'm reading Farkel's thread right now! lol
Rutherford was a drunk and an adulterer?
by Surreptitious ini've heard this mentioned here and there.
can it be proven?
That's interesting, thanks. I'd never heard about Bonnie Boyd before. Or about only three people attending Rutherford's funeral. Where can I read more about both?
Rutherford was a drunk and an adulterer?
by Surreptitious ini've heard this mentioned here and there.
can it be proven?
I've heard this mentioned here and there. Can it be proven?
Cathartic Finish to Painful Memories of Mark
by jst2laws incontinued from http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/107302/1.ashx .
after 10 years in the "fultime work" my wife and i left bethel and moved back to missouri to serve where the "need was great".
mark had was about 17 and had put his foot down about going to the kh but his dad still pushed.
Hi Steve, hope all is well.
Okay, Enough Sleeping! Wake up!
by jeanniebeanz init is way too quiet in here tonite.
is it meeting night or something??.
wake up!!!
Infernal contraption? Your husband isn't Yosemite Sam is he???