Hmmm, that pic looks mighty familiar!
Good to see you again OFC. I was poking around in some old threads this morning and stumbled across your name a number of times. Got me to wondering where you'd gone.
Glad that you're not. Gone that is.
i am fianlly back up and running after one sick computer
i can't believe that its been nearly six months or a little less, however it seemed iike a life time to me.
i missed reading and chatting my daily pick me up.
Hmmm, that pic looks mighty familiar!
Good to see you again OFC. I was poking around in some old threads this morning and stumbled across your name a number of times. Got me to wondering where you'd gone.
Glad that you're not. Gone that is.
i've just watched "a beautiful mind", with russell crowe, on video.. i loved it, even though i was moved to tears.
believe me when i say that's an accolade.
last time i got near to that was seeing "dead poet's society" and "awakening" with robin williams, on the big screen (1989/90 respectively?
Hi Rob,
In no way, shape or form was I implying that you don't like to think. I'm sorry it came across like that, it's not what I meant.
I agree with you about the violence and the death. It's just that the movie created a very "hey, this kind of thing happens to people every day and could happen to any of us" type of feeling.
Anyway, sorry. Didn't mean to get your dander up!
i've just watched "a beautiful mind", with russell crowe, on video.. i loved it, even though i was moved to tears.
believe me when i say that's an accolade.
last time i got near to that was seeing "dead poet's society" and "awakening" with robin williams, on the big screen (1989/90 respectively?
Yes Rob, it was disturbing wasn't it. Made me think. I like to think.
Know whatcha mean though! Not your average movie.
i am not a jw (never have been)... and am curious by the "10 hrs" i see posted from time to time.. does an elder pull you aside and say, "i see you've only done 9 hours, so i will revoke your status of ____?
" do they actually have an scripture reason for insisting on logging hours?
they must have some kind of reason that makes sence, otherwise you could just turn around and say, "two hours is enough - it's the quality, not the quantity" or can't you talk like this to an elder?
Witnesses are encouraged to maintain the "national average" in reporting field service time. This average varies but has been around ten hours a month in the past.
The official stance is that in accord with Jesus' parable of the "widow's mite", as much as it is possible for each Witness to do is acceptable to God.
However, the pervading undercurrent that is felt at all times is "do more, do more, do more".
i've just watched "a beautiful mind", with russell crowe, on video.. i loved it, even though i was moved to tears.
believe me when i say that's an accolade.
last time i got near to that was seeing "dead poet's society" and "awakening" with robin williams, on the big screen (1989/90 respectively?
Nina & Deb,
I was going to recommend "Adaption" too. Boring as hell and absolutely excellent at the same time. Simply a must see.
ok, guys.
i'm at a hotel tonight and just relaxing.. so i felt a mimimus question coming on.
if we had to elect 3 members on this forum to debate any 3 members of the borg, who would you pick?.
I vote for Stinky, Logansrun and AlanF.
perhaps this has happened to someone else?.
in the last two weeks, not one, but two people were reinstated in my congregation.
each were completely separate cases.
Perhaps this has happened to someone else?
In the last two weeks, not one, but two people were reinstated in my congregation. Each were completely separate cases. In both cases I was the chairman on the comittee that disfellowshipped them less than two years ago.
How strange it is to be in this position. Struggling fiercely with my own faith. Totally inactive myself.
In the brief time it's taken, they've done a 180 and so have I.
Like I said, this is a weird feeling.
i got to hear some real bad news
i was speaking to my 'best friends' sister only minutes ago.
my 'best friend' i used to do everything with.
All right Hamas! That does it! I'm with ya man. Let's you and me go put fajitas on their heads!
bolding mine: .
quote:originally posted by rbrown1205 .
i am almost afraid to put "jehovah's witnesses" in a search engine.
The paperplate of righteousness.
about seven weeks ago i posted here for the first time.
in that post i said i'd like to be reinstated but felt it likely wouldn't happen because the shunning was too much for me.
well, my prayers have been answered and i am reinstated.
I bet you didn't mention in your "request for re-instatement" letter that you've been frequenting this site did you?
That would have put a little twist in the ol' "claim of repentance" eh?? hehe
Anyway, glad you're doing what you want to do. There will no doubt be a measure of relief! By the way, I'm glad you kicked the cigs too!
Take care!