No kidding! This place is annoyingly conservative ... homophobes abound. I don't even feel safe putting a Darwin fish on my car.
So Doc, I guess it's safe to say that the relationship you and I have wouldn't go over too well there eh?
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
No kidding! This place is annoyingly conservative ... homophobes abound. I don't even feel safe putting a Darwin fish on my car.
So Doc, I guess it's safe to say that the relationship you and I have wouldn't go over too well there eh?
below is what was posted on witness world by polly pan.
i took euphemism's advice and others to protect my identity.
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
A little mould spoils the bucket
lol Shamus! I thought it was a "little leaven ferments the whole lump". hehe
at one point, this morning (gmt) i had 14 of the "last post"s on the top 20 active thread list (probably 15, when i post this).. i hope it says more for how quiet the board is on a saturday morning, and less about how obsessed i've become with the board, again.. maybe it's time for another wee spell away....
What can I say? - I must have some residual Elder left in me, that I need to expunge.(I just re-read that, and thought of rewording it, but found it too funny - maybe an enema is in order - LOL).
Jesus LT! I thought I was bad! LOL!
were getting married in las vegas!!!.
the fourth of july weekend obiwan and sloan are getting married!!!!
Wow Obi and Sloan! Congrats! But I thought you already were married Obi....perhaps just my faulty memory..anyway, that's great! Obi, Sloan will keep you in love constantly, and Sloan, Obi will keep you in stitches!
Oops, that sounded a little like part of a marriage talk..hehe. Do you take unto thee duly and forsworn through death, measles and mad cow disease over chocolate and freshly painted clowns forever and ever hawmanaw hawmanaw hawmanaw amen?
Best to you,
katie are you ok?!.
with your new hubby craig coming out of the closet, i am really worried about you!
this must be really hard to take in right now.. onacruse said:"i'm homosexual.
btw, you cut me off in the phone call, said the batteries were going dead? Hmmmm...what, were you saving those batteries for something else?
Now if THIS isn't flirting, I don't know what is!
katie are you ok?!.
with your new hubby craig coming out of the closet, i am really worried about you!
this must be really hard to take in right now.. onacruse said:"i'm homosexual.
Too funny Joanna!! You crack me up!!
below is what was posted on witness world by polly pan.
i took euphemism's advice and others to protect my identity.
about a week ago it was brought to administrations attention that there may be apostates lurking on our board, as a precautionary measure we deleted 107 members who had never posted since they joined.
drwtsn32 is a Windows "comp fix" feature or something (I'm comp dumb), so it's entirely possible that someone else could have this name.
in another thread, somebodylovesme wrote: damn it.
i got kicked off.
i messaged the mod and asked why brucejw had been kicked off.
Avoid the referrer tag. Every time you go to a website, your browser sends it your 'referrer', the site you were at last.
Hey Doc, as touched on, this applies to porn too. Just a word up.
i was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
Hi Stefanie! My name is Syrup, but in England they call me Sir Rupp.
the article in the feb 15th wt really got up my nose.
the year book of 1974 page 212 is copied below - emphasis mine.
how does this compare with the feb 15th 2004 watchtower last paragraph page 6 continuing to page 7?
Well, first of all the Declaration of Facts simply states that Jehovahs Witness publications support high ideals. The same ideals of that government. This is not a compromise. Satan and the demons (according to the Bible) appreciate beautiful women. I appreciate beautiful women. Does that make me a Satan worshipper?
About a third of all Jehovah's Witnesses {in Germany} were murdered in concentration camps". - Germany - 1918-45.
This is an excerpt from a school textbook. Not a JW publication. No contradiction here either.