it appears some time with an experienced woman would serve you well
Brad, this sounded like an offer to me....
i've asked enough.
i've got all the information i need.
it appears some time with an experienced woman would serve you well
Brad, this sounded like an offer to me....
here's an awake!
cover that tries to give the impression that the demand for bloodless surgery comes from other than the dubs (strange that they should try to find support for such a "scriptural" doctrine by saying "everybody else is doing it!
here is the "blank":.
Doc, you're too funny! We can always count on you to get to the bottom of an issue.
I'm so ugly, they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in my shower
Good one WT!
I was so ugly they had to tie a porkchop between my ears to get the dog to play with me.
i have 2 german shepherds, one white and one black and grey.
also granny has a little yorkie terrier, he's my little buddy.
he'll follow me anywhere.
pretend I'm eating a cat
You're not using the word "cat" as a euphemism are you?
i feel guilty that i don't give a hoot about anything that i believed in over the last 4 decades.......what are you feeling guilty over??
I feel guilty for declaring war on Cleveland.
I'm glad you did though Czar. We haven't had any trouble outta Cleveland ever since.
i think she's not ready to let go of that.
i told her if she really felt she had to go, i would go with her at a different hall.
i don't want to go!!
When your wife looks at you in such a way that shows she feels a certain way but would HOPE that you might accompany her to something you don't believe in, then sometimes, you do something for the benefit of your family, to please, yes---even to compromise....
I understand 1 gazillion percent.
?i?m pregnant.
the young man with clear blue eyes and slightly tussled hair looked up sharply at his shapely wife sitting next to him.
she wore a slightly mischievous smile.
Jesus Christ, what are you trying to do to me?
I thought you were being naughty!
It still has tremendous potential.
isn't this the last "sign" that will usher in armageddon?!!!!!!
crunch fitness: .
I have wanted a pole in our room for over a year
No comment.
this is the new book edited by edmund gruss.
i just finished reading it and must say a one word description would be "disturbing".
the book focuses of course on the characters and motivations of the first four presidents of the watchtower society.
When and if the occasional publisher does ask for a donation (and the fanatical dubs always do by the way), the amount is usually enough to compensate handsomely for those that don't ask. (Most householders think in terms of five and ten dollar bills.) This money is of course carried in a "special envelope" straight to the Kindom Hall and placed in the box clearly marked for "The Worldwide Work". Since the publisher already "donated" (and he too thinks in terms of five and ten dollar bills by the way) when he picked up his inventory at the literature counter, there is in effect a double donation going on. Donations that consistently amount to much more than if a mere dollar was directly asked for.