>>The events of his death were reported by some Bible Students I know very well. Rutherford was to appear at a convention to speak, when he failed to show up, some of the friends went to pay him a visit, they found him lying in the basement, his face fed on by rats, rumors have it of course that Rutherford was buried on the property of Beth Sarim, in private conversation, Fred Franz admits to this, however no one has never seen the supposed grave of Rutherfod anywhere!<<
I realize that this is an old thread. But someone posted a reply, it became current again, and it got my interest.
I have to admit, there has never been any mention of Rutherford's death in the WTS articles. I know about the death of Russell but always the same story that he died on a train while enroute.
Years later I understand why Russell's grave was never mentioned. An no autopsy? But I wonder about Rutherford. Come to think of it, how about Knorr, Franz, Milton??????? Why is the WTS so silent?
I think the part about rats feeding on Rutherford's dead face is amazing. Amazing if it was true and amazing if it was false. I wonder if the funeral was an open casket ceremony? That's a new one. I heard that he was a tobacco smoker but a drinker and a womanizer as well? And this was the president of JWs? That too is amazing.
Anybody know of posts, links, or books that talks about the death and burial of the WTS presidents?