<<Wow! That pic of Moe Howard is freaking me out!>>
I should change that. Until I find a better picture I'll just go without one for now. It's time to move on.
do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today?
i went to a congo where a large group went camping every labor day weekend but only by invitation.
comments you will not hear at the 9-5-04 wt study (august 1, 2004 issue) (abbreviated)
<<Wow! That pic of Moe Howard is freaking me out!>>
I should change that. Until I find a better picture I'll just go without one for now. It's time to move on.
a popular jw teaser, i know?
but does anyone know exactly how they stand on it?
i would love to know.
<<Maybe they didn't fit on the ark? >>
I think some dinosaurs went in the ark. Some large mammals went into the ark, why not some large birds and reptiles? I think reptiles had a harder time adjusting with the new world climate than most mammals. So I think many animal kinds went extinct after the flood including surviving dinosaurs.
I'm reminded of the tales of dragons and great serpent-like beasts in Chinese and European folklore. The Aztecs had that folklore too. I'm pretty sure all that folklore has its basis in fact. So some dinosaurs survived but eventually died off. In Europe, they were slain to extinction by brave knights undergoing a required rite of passage if they had any hope of marrying a fair maiden.
a popular jw teaser, i know?
but does anyone know exactly how they stand on it?
i would love to know.
RR <<I think they usually stand on two feet.>>
friends, i apologize if this is old information.
sometimes i can't keep up with (all) the posts here.
the thread lists this as (janurary 25, 2003) so thats why i thought it to be old.. i remember that serena williams had (won) the cup and championship, and was photographed carrying the american flag, or engaging in what (some people) considered as (idolatry),--but what was (news) to me, was the fact that she was also photographed (dishonoring) the american flag as well.
jwbot <<Also, why are people so quick to jump on her? she certainly means no disrespect. She did not flip off the flag and go "fuck you Australia". People are so picky sometimes.>>
True but if you want to foster understanding then you have to act understandingly. If someone's object is a representation of their memory of their mother, for example, then you have to respect their beliefs on how their object should be treated rather than your own belief of how it should be treated. Or else what "understanding" have you accomplished except a new way to offend them and they to dislike you?
genesis records that on the fifth creative day, the waters of the earth would teem with living creatures, and every winged bird would fill the sky.
at the beginning of the sixth creataive day, all the creatures that move along the ground were created.
keeping these texts in mind, i'd like to share with you some of my observations about this wonderful earth that have convinced me that the creative days of genesis were far longer than the 7,000 year long periods we were taught as jehovah's witnesses.
This is great!
Somehow I still believe in Jehovah and in Creation in Genesis. I think the story of Creation in Genesis has suffered from being retold and re-interpreted countless times before it went to writing in ancient times. And then it went through rwwriting and tampering before it became canonized Hebrew scripture. Perhaps the skeleton of truth is there but the real details are missing.
I really wish Jehovah, Jesus, ANYBODY up there would talk to us. It's been 2,000 years since Jesus. I don't believe it was 400 years since the last Hebrew prophet and Jesus Christ. I'm starting to wonder if there is anyone upstairs listening, much less WANTING TO TELL US ANYTHING. The world is in such a mess. Just letting us know in no uncertain terms that Jehovah is up there will make a fundamental change on Mankind due to its awareness that it is not alone in the universe.
Thanks for letting me ramble.
do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today?
i went to a congo where a large group went camping every labor day weekend but only by invitation.
comments you will not hear at the 9-5-04 wt study (august 1, 2004 issue) (abbreviated)
I enjoyed your comment. I remember how in the days of my blindness how those of Christendom or apostates where applied the Scripture of those who go to listen to them to "have their ears tickled". I honestly see to whom this really applies to - to the JWs themselves! You go to JW meetings not to learn anything but to get your daily fix of spiritual narcotic which makes you live in a fantasy land with fantasy people who treat you with fantasy love. And your fantasy world does you and those around you more harm than good.
do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today?
i went to a congo where a large group went camping every labor day weekend but only by invitation.
comments you will not hear at the 9-5-04 wt study (august 1, 2004 issue) (abbreviated)
Happy man, I'm sure you had good points to make but I kept losing you on where your comments began and ended and where the WTS comments began and ended. You really should include clues on which words are in your voice and what words are the WTS's voice.
I just couldn't understand what you were trying to say here. And I really wanted to.
do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today?
i went to a congo where a large group went camping every labor day weekend but only by invitation.
comments you will not hear at the 9-5-04 wt study (august 1, 2004 issue) (abbreviated)
Wow! You hit on important points too, Ignat! Especially regarding the JW David and the modern assignment of Stephen.
I'm amazing myself at what should be mentioned and isn't, and what is mentioned over-stressed and shouldn't be, in WTS literature.
This is one great WT Study with comments.
do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today?
i went to a congo where a large group went camping every labor day weekend but only by invitation.
comments you will not hear at the 9-5-04 wt study (august 1, 2004 issue) (abbreviated)
Blondie << Do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today? I went to a congo where a large group went camping every Labor Day weekend but only by invitation. >>
I'm sure that invitation sender and others will get a "nice" shephearding call, read something in a Watchtower Study, or hear a Local Needs part aimed at him so he will not make such socializing again and cause the faithful enough fear, uncertainty, and doubt to accept such invitation again. You must maintain mind control and thought imprisonment at all times!
But I'll bet you ANYTHING that the majority in that congo WT study as they went through another boring lession WISHED they had gone camping that Labor Day weekend - or did anything anywhere!
do you think it will be sparse at the meeting today?
i went to a congo where a large group went camping every labor day weekend but only by invitation.
comments you will not hear at the 9-5-04 wt study (august 1, 2004 issue) (abbreviated)
Mulan <<I still can't believe you have the stomach to do this every week. >>
I'm amazed too. But I'm grateful that Blondie has both the stomach and the balance to do so. This is one Watchtower study where I really enjoy real research and comments from the audience instead of the same mindless repetition, repetition, repetition.
The WTS is true about one thing: That iron does sharpen iron. Thanks friends!
Plus I'm grateful to enjoy a holiday weekend with friends and family without guilt of missing field service and meetings. And having to explain myself at the next meeting.
Blondie, did you mean "abbreviated" where you said in the subject "aggreviated"?