This is my opinion... (Opinions are like butts, we all have one, and they all stink.)
I was forced into the organization when I was about 6. That was the first mistake of my life, and I had no choice concerning it. Children should not be allowed in ANY church. A human child is the most impressionable animal on the face of this earth. A child does not in any way need 'Religion' in his life. An association with any religous sect is merely forcing the beliefs on that child. I know, I have been there, I have done that, and my life is destroyed.
Children need GUIDENCE, not Religion. Children need GOD, not prophecy. Children need LOVE, not the bible. No matter which way you look at it, the bible was written by man, either through translation, or greed, the bible was written by man. If it were written by god, why are there so many different translations? Why do the Catholics use one particular translation, the Jehovahs Wittnesses another, the Mormans even have thier own? What's up with that? If it were indeed gods word, would they not all be IDENTICAL?
I have never had the pleasure, and honor have having my own children. From what I have seen, it sadens me greatly to think of what I have missed. I would gladly give the world to have the opportunity to raise a child. The joys, the pleasures, the dis-appointments, and the aggrevations must be special.
Children learn from the people the love the most, their parents. Parents teach them the difference between right, and wrong. What is good, what is bad. Alost nothing a parent can do is wrong to a child. To a child, their parents are their heros. As a parent, the responsibility of the welfare of the world is on their shoulders. When a child falls down, and scrapes their knee, do they run to the preacher? No, I bet they run to mom, or dad. Why? Mom, and Dad can fix anything, rather it be a scraped knee, a broken toy, or a broken heart, it is always Mom, and Dad they run to, is it not?
Children are taught by the church that if they are bad the go to hell. WHAT? How could any person in thier right mind threaten a child with torture in a firey pit? The authorities will aresst you for spanking your child, but you can tell them they will burn in hell for an eternity if they don't do what the bible tells them? Which is worse? Mental abuse, or a good smack on the ass? HMMMM... Well let me think about this for a minute. We are the persons responsible for teaching the children of this world what is right, and what is wrong. We teach them how to cope in this world. We teach them how to reach their goals, and find their dreams.
I am very shy, very timid, and lack the ability to socialize. I am very inverted, and angry inside. I hatemyself at times, and if I am not hating myself, I am hating the world, or someone else. I am very polite, and will give my last dime to whoever neded it. I get sick to my stomach when I hear of the pain suffered by others. I have been laughed at because I LITERALLY can not hurt a fly, I catch them and put them outside.
SO, what's my point? I grew up in this religous sect, cult, whatever you want to call it. I was a JW. I could not play sports in school, because it was competitive, and the others were bad association. NOW, I am not a competitive person, I let people walk all over me, I do not now how to compete for what I need. I could not associate with anyperson outside the 'Kingdom Hall', you know the lecture, bad association spoils useful habits. Kiss my butt, how is that for bad association. I don't understand how to communicate with other people. I was dis-associated when I was 17. I am now in my 40's, and have not seen, nor heard from my family in 20 plus years. ALL of my friends and family are associated with the JW's, I kid you not when I say ALL. Can anyone out there tell me what it is like to spend 22 years alone? Making brief friendships, and brief relationships with persons looking for something that has been gone for so long? I have no family, I have no friends. I am psychologically retarded as to how to build a relationship.
Just in the last few days, thanks to a person named Dawn, in Florida, have I realized, there is indeed a youth group to help the youth of the Jehovahs Wittnesses, or any other religon. You can locate your local professional in the yellow pages under 'PSYCHOLOGISTS', I am going to call first thing in the morning. You can not fathom how tired I am of living like this.
Well, enough ranting, thanks for listening....
Follow your heart, it will guide you on your journey to your dreams.
The Nomad