Hi I don't know if any of this is true, it's just what I've read, it might be all rubbish. Nearly everything in the world is just an extortion racket, transferring the power and money from the majority to the Elite. Everything is for one aim, the Kingdom of the Devil, which excludes a personal God. A worldwide Kingdom with the Elite, "God", ruling a world of slaves. Movies are made to transfer money to the elite. Religions are pyramid schemes started to transfer money and control from the majority to the Elite. Politicians are actors who are paid well to create a diversion. Doctors are paid "actors" who transfer peoples money to the drug companies, which are owned by the elite.
The purpose of most churches is to transfer the money and power to the Elite and mock Christ. They keep any true Christians with the potential to believe competing, too busy to think, blind and indoctrinated. Most churches like the Baptists, or the Mormons, were started by Freemasons, the elite old boys club. The Freemasons are like an American University fraternity , but I don't know what they are really. I read they were a Catholic cult. All these leaders have obelisks to the humanist sun god Ra or pyramids on their graves including the Jehovah's Witnesses. These churches are Catholic really. The Baptist church, Seventh Day Adventist church and others have logos which are the same as the humanist logo, or they have obelisks, sun gods, pyramids, all seeing eyes. The money and control is slowly transfered from the majority to the tip of the pyramid. Slowly on a global scale the money and power is transferred to a worldwide Elite and eventually the majority are complete slaves.
The obelisk is a toned down rude gesture. The Obelisk is their graffiti, their mark. They leave their mark everywhere like a cat or a dog. If you go into public toilets, you will see the same sort of things. Rude diagrams, genitals. I used to wonder why every public toilet I went there was the same picture drawn on the wall. Why do they all think the same way? Because like the obelisks are everywhere, they all have the same mind. They draw things on the wall or leave their "tag", not their real name of course, the wicked are cowards, because they are making a claim on the toilets, or the building they write on. They stake their claim, they "own" the building or the public toilets, because their graffiti or obelisk is there. But it is disguised, because they are too sissy to say it straight out. If they are so powerful, why not just say it? Because they "fear the people", and can't reveal everything or the people might revolt. They have to cowardly take over from the shadows. But God laughs at their claim. It's the same as a tough boy tries to get as many girls as he can without God and love, with his "obelisk", it's an insult to God and love. His backwards brain tells him he saves himself by wrecking girls, his father is death and destruction. He is the opposite of Christ who saves himself for loving the girl and putting her first. The tough boy carefully avoids particularly innocent, pretty, nice girls though, because he can't get them and can't insult God. So his claim is a joke and means nothing, because he can only get girls who are also evil. He might get hundreds of girls with the flesh and without love, but they aren't girls at all, he's getting nowhere. He goes for the nightclub tarts with lots of makeup, that way they can both pretend they are insulting God. But it's only pretend, the girls are really in control and "allow" themselves to be "conquered".
Christ was 50/50. It has to be a mixture so that the saints must join him. Churches twist the atonement so that Christ was either 100% man or 100% God, which mocks the atonement. If he was born of God then his flesh was half corrupted and half perfect, so God won the battle. The lower, the higher. God lowered himself the most to become half man. Christ lowered himself for the saints. Christ was 50% corrupted light from Mary, and 50% perfect light, from God.
God made him bow to the girl even though men would normally never bow to women. The flesh was beaten. God was in Christ redeeming the world, the saints, the girl, to himself. He saw himself in the girl. Like when I see a girl I love, God sees her, not me, and he sees himself. If she is nice, God is in her and sees himself in me. I understand this because I feel Like worshipping the girl, God in the girl. But it can't be me, so God must be in me. In the flesh. God is in the system. The lower, the higher. God lowered himself the most to become half man. Christ lowered himself for the saints. There are two ways to mock Christ. To say he was just a man worships man. God didn't lower himself. This worships man by saying the flesh can do it without God. They mock God through Christ by saying he was just a man. They are saying God didn't lower himself, is dominant and must remain superior. Christ was a substitute that can be spat on to be perfect. They can mock God through Christ, they don't have to join him and repent. Like girls often want to be independent, perfect on their own and do their own thing. To say he was completely God they say God lowered himself and paid the price so they can do what they like. The flesh wasn't involved, Christ WAS God who admitted the flesh is superior. They don't have to join him. Well they join him, but it's a mockery, like a woman who controls her husband all the time. Or a church where it is just appearances and mockery. All the churches go one way or the other, the middle way can't be fathomed by flesh because with human nature there has to be a winner or loser. And both mean they don't have to join him, and can stay independent. These are just some ideas, they might be wrong. I think nearly all religions are sun worship, I mean all Christian churches too, including yours and mine. The Aztecs and the American Indians worshipped the sun, but so do Christians, it's just not as obvious. The Roman Catholic church hijacked Christianity and turned it into pagan sun worship. All churches are Catholics in disguise, wolves in sheep's clothing. You could go to your church or mine for 20 years and still know nothing. Some might be more accurate and know more than others but the actual meaning is concealed. Knowledge is important, but without love, it's meaningless, they can't comprehend the true meaning. They are all superficial pretending churches, where the people can go to make themselves feel righteous, at the same time holding on to their precious independence and hate. They worship the sun (the sun is a practical object and the practical source of everything, everything and people are made of light molecules, matter is just compressed light) because the church is based on practical things, light worship, not the belief in Love. Practical sun worship, appearances, bowing, kneeling, showing off, priests outfits (practical cotton grown by the sun), rules (practical man made rules), rituals, special languages (practical show), all nonsense. The truth must be concealed because the truth ends the pretending. So they blind you with all sorts of practical rules, rituals, music, knowledge, but they never say the truth. All the Christian churches are to conceal the truth, not reveal the truth. They can't say God just likes you as you are, because then people won't fear the leaders and obey the rules. It's too easy. The best way to hide something is to hide it in something that looks the same, but is nothing like it. It's true that God is love and it's impossible for him to say no to people who ask for mercy, or ask to live forever, but they won't ask. The only reason they perish is because they are too proud to ask to live. They might ask a priest they choose, or go to a church they choose, but will they listen if someone who likes them, so is from God, Love, talks to them? No. They reject love because they are too proud. They want to trust in man, trust the flesh, remain in control, trust their own judgement, stay independent from God. "Trust not in man" They don't want to know God, and they won't ask to know him. "to them it is not given" They are "willingly ignorant" and want to keep God, the truth, concealed, so he lets them. God is love but because people are actually nothing, the long term manifestation of Love is what counts. People have a feeling that they are personally important so they think this means God is unkind or unfair. The first step to understanding God is to realise you and I are actually nothing. We are nothing and don't exist without God. There is no "You" or "Me". We are nothing, so there is no fair, if God chose to he could just destroy us and start again. If you can admit this, then you can join God, merge with God. You are nothing, that's why we die off, the light we are made of is corrupted by the darkness, the lie. The world system and most religious people say, "You are nothing, yes, but I'm something". The whole world is based on pretending it is something. Religious people pretend to believe in God by their outward show. Adventure heroes pretend to be brave by bungee jumping, if they are God, why do they need the cord? What a joke. Guys pretend to be brave and not scared of sharks. If they were really brave they would be honest and say "I'm scared of sharks". And the other thing to realise, is that the whole world is a lie. Every government, business, medical association, company, school, or church is infested with deceit and is lying and deceiving. Any group over a certain size is undoubtedly fake because the flesh is deceitful and the vast majority of people are evil. The whole world is in the dark and is just an illusion that doesn't really exist. The Universe is only a hologram, the practical world doesn't exist. It appears to be solid, but this is just an illusion. Everything is light, God is the light. This is why when you burn a piece of wood it turns back to light. God is love, light, life and truth. There is nothing else, there is no death, no Devil, no lies, no dark, and no self. Death is a lie, you only die if you believe it. The energy, matter is love. So if you are on God's wavelength 100% you control matter. It seems that hate is the power, because at the moment it is winning. But that is only allowed by God. The saints are held back but only because God is teaching them. There is only one wavelength, love. Love is in everything, in every molecule. That is why God can see everything and is aware of everything, anywhere, anytime, and all at once. The whole system is connected and can also be manipulated from any distance. If you could be 100% faithful, you would then be all powerful and able to manipulate the practical world and universe any way you like and from any distance. Distance is an illusion, God is everywhere at once. And you could time travel because time is also an illusion, everything actually happens all at once. God is in all time periods at once. In this life you can't, because the flesh is weak and you can never be 100% faithful. But if you cross Jordan and become more than 50% faithful, Christ takes over and does the rest for you. He was only one who was ever 100% faithful. If you become more faithful in God than the practical illusion, you can then ask God for things through Christ. He may not do it, you are still at his mercy, but you have the power of God behind you. In a way, you are already in charge of the Universe through Christ. God can now use you and can give you things you ask for if it suits him. If you are not faithful and insist on being independent, he cannot give you anything, and you must try to make your way yourself. That things are solid is an illusion, it's all just light, God. Matter is light, which is love, they are one and the same. Is a car more solid than a feather? No, the atoms are just spinning at different speeds. If you were on God's wavelength of Love and Light 100%, you could lift a car with your mind just as easily as a feather. That you can't proves that you are not God yourself, and that you don't believe in God enough. So you need a redeemer. The wicked can't bear this, so try to get control of matter using the dark side, evil, deceit, or try to control people themselves and pretend they have power. A lot of churches pretend they can do miracles. And girls try to get control of matter, boys, with deceit. And women reject men who likes them because they don't need a redeemer, they can do it themselves. But the dark side doesn't exist and only the light and love has power. You might feel you are doing things, but this is in your imagination. You are only a channel, the flesh does nothing and has no power of it's own. Even the wicked, who "do their own thing", are also doing what God wants. God allows them to rebel, but it's still his power that is running them. It is all God. The wicked think they are doing something else, avoiding the light, but the dark side doesn't exist, there IS ONLY LIGHT. The dark side has NO POWER AT ALL, the US military is powerless, unless God chooses to use them for some reason. That's why they are illusions, like the demons in the show Monkey disappeared when exposed to the truth, the "light". The priest could see through them and their fake act. Everything is projected from the mind of God, and is inside God, but most people think everything is projected from their mind. This is why they think God can't see them and they can "fool" God. After the Garden of Eden, the "devil" took over and everything switched to the opposite of normal. People's brains are backwards, they view themselves as God, and that everything is inside them. Good is evil and evil is good. Bye, Antony