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JoinedPosts by Jeannette
Nauseating section for small children - CUTOUTS? Really?
by BluePill2 ini am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
Jesus had to die? Really?
by punkofnice ini admit i no longer believe in god and holy books.. thinking of the made up 'universal sovereignty' thing, surely if god existed in the way the holy books describe him then he could have thought of something better than humankind suffering thousands of years and the slaughter of jesus?.
couldn't god have said: 'well, satan is a very naughty boy but you all know how great i am so we can end it now.
i will lovingly kill satan and his mates and that's that.
It's all rubbish. There is no proof that Jesus even existed. One of the historians said that if Jesus had fed 5000, there would be a record of it because it would be a large percentage of the population and it would have been noticed. I think the name even came from the occult, but that's just my thinking.
Nauseating section for small children - CUTOUTS? Really?
by BluePill2 ini am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
They could make cut-outs of the Soldiers killing all the little boys in the days of Moses. They could have puddles of blood, dismembed children, screaming mothers. Sorry, friends. It's in the Bible.
This weeks WT "Let Your Kingdom Come"
by Legacy inso the wt states "the horsemen have made their appearance".
in 1914, jesus christ is pictured as riding a white horse-was given his heavenly crown.
The Bible is a fairy tale.
How many members of our forum are there, and where are most from?
by stuckinarut2 ini would love to know where most of our fellow forum members are from.... is there a way to compile a quick list?.
for example, i would love to know how many live near me......
West Tennessee
one hit....
by snare&racket ina magician, a con man, a spirit medium.... will have more power over you with a single hit, than without.
what i mean by a 'hit' is, if they convince you of something or amaze you just once intially, they can use that to hold a power over you for quite some time.. if a spirit medium was to point at you and say the name of the person you were hoping to 'talk to' on the other side, it would likely overwhelm you.
tarot card readers will describe your exact personality and thinking process.
Thanks, S&R
by ablebodiedman in.
Thanks jgnat for the visual.
Go to Detroit DC video
by bruh2012 inlocal needs part tonight ---featuring a 5 min.
talk and showing the congregation a video (approx.
15 mins) from the gb to encourage all to go to detroit for the dc.. why?
Even presstitute media, which most people watch, say that Detroit is a dangerous city. Maybe little enclaves are fairly safe, but most people with half a brain aren't going to Detroit.
This religion is like the snake-handling churches. People go, take the chance of being bitten because they've picked up a dangerous snake, and if they do get bit, well.....they didn't have enough faith.
I hope Witnesses "stick to their guns" as it were, and disobey that controlling Govering Body. If they do go, take a gun.
Why didn't Jehovah protect those 2 women who out doing the "Lord's work' in Oklahoma from being mauled by a pit bull? What was he doing at the time? Protection from Jehovah? HA
Pre-Memorial territory coverage
by Blackbird Fly inhas anyone else seen the local congregation doing the usual field service push before the memorial?
i think its strange that we (nor our neighbors) havent seen them in the neighborhood yet.
only 2 weeks away and no territory blast?
If they come by here I'm going to tell them that I think it's morbid to celebrate a death. Sounds like something the devil would do.
Prepare!! Armageddon is coming next week!! April Fool!!
by Jeannette inhave a happy day friends, and don't get fooled.
Have a happy day friends, and don't get fooled.