Beheading was just a terrible, gastly thought a few years ago. But now, as they keep putting this before us, we are getting numb to it. What in the world are they planning for us?
JoinedPosts by Jeannette
Woman 82, beheaded in her London garden.
by quellycatface inwords cannot describe my anger and sorrow.. the perpetrator was a 25 yr old nigerian muslim convert.
he also decapitated a cat, why?????.
there are times when i wish there was such thing as armageddon, to rid the world of such evil.. feeling very worried and sad..
Imagine an ebola pandemic where the only effective treatment is blood
by Mickey mouse ingive it a few months, perhaps all jws will have to make hard decisions about blood based treatments..
the blood of patients who recover from ebola should be used to treat others, the world health organization has announced.. west africa is facing the largest ebola outbreak in history and more than 2,000 people have died.. a global group of experts have been meeting to assess the experimental therapies that could contain ebola.. the who also announced that ebola vaccines could be used on the frontline by november.. blood medicine.
people produce antibodies in the blood in an attempt to fight off an ebola infection.. in theory, those antibodies can be transferred from a survivor into a sick patient to give their immune system a boost.. however, large scale data on the effectiveness of the therapy is lacking.. studies on the 1995 outbreak of ebola in democratic republic of congo showed seven out of eight people survived after being given the therapy.. dr marie paule kieny, an assistant director general at who said: "we agreed that whole blood therapies may be used to treat ebola virus and all efforts must be invested to help infected countries to use them.. "there is a real opportunity that a blood-derived product can be used now and this can be very effective in terms of treating patients.".
Thank you, Micky mouse. No, I don't want to see any naked pictures of anyone, I just haven't been on the site because of time issues. You have done an exhaustive study of this very important subject, and it's on internet media if not on main stream. Could get very serious. Didn't that Doctor that they flew back in isolation and walked into the hospital on his own strength have a blood transfusion from a teenage boy that survived the virus? Dr. Patrick? Anyway, I'd take a blood transfusion in either case, the gibbering body is not going to crack a whip on me. Nor should it you.
by DATA-DOG inyep, you heard it here folks!
i have it on good authority [ an eldubs wife ] that the pope and some old codger are talking about a united nations of religion.
there is even talk of one world religion (gasp!!
I repent of ALL religions in the WORLD! Period. May they all be gone, especially the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. A ONE-WORLD religion, heck no!
Why The Watchtower Must Abolish Judicial Committees
by metatron insome years ago, i upset some crypto-watchtower apologists by stating that the organization must eventually either abolish the co arrangement or radically change it because it creates a direct chain of liability by chain of command and makes them a hierarchy (without catholic level assets or influence to support such a structure).. i would make a similar argument with regard to judicial committees.
i do not contend that the watchtower would get rid of these repellent anachronisms simply because they are unethical in form and use but rather that they represent an increasing liability/obstacle to the organization's survival.. why?.
1) such committees tend to open up all sorts of legal challenges and dangers.
Escaping the Pit
by Coded Logic inthought i'd share a little poem i wrote after getting out.. .
grappling with the fancies.
and the shadows in my mind.
I like it.
Is new light coming again?
by justme67 ini just turned in my resignation letter to my congregation a few weeks ago.
last week, 2 elders called me to say they received my letter and would like to meet with me to discuss my concerns.
in my letter, i said i had found out about all the child abuse cases that were going on and that i didnt agree with their policy of disfellowshipping.
"if you knew what we know, you wouldn't want to leave". Buttholes. Why don't we know what they know? Because it's a secretive organization, maybe even occultish. Both are below the surface. And they probably just said that to infer that "oh my goodness, armageddon is next week and you'll get yours". Glad you left. Stay gone from them. The longer you're gone the more you'll realize you did the right thing.
"So, how many tracts did you place last month during the campaign???"
by stuckinarut2 inas we all know, the org now wants everyone to count the number of flimsy, one page tracts on every monthly report from now on.... so, what is the general buzz around the traps about how many the average witness is reported to have placed?.
(yes, it is a seriously stupid thing designed to keep the flock busy and also designed to measure their 'spirituality').
i need to fudge my report, and i havent got the foggiest clue what sort of numbers each witness has on average 'placed'......
I wonder if they're trying to figure the amount of money contributed in comparison to the amount of tracts let out. It's always about the money, you know.
18 is a DIFFERENT religion from the WT and Kingdomhall
by EndofMysteries inhas anybody else noticed the huge 180 degree under the public vs the material in the study articles?
other than showing that shunning of family and those who left the religion does not happen, yet in the kingdomhall and wt is does happen.
look at jwborgs stance on quitting school and getting higher education.... can anybody show one wt that says what is in the borg website?
Can you say "psychopath"?
Come on! Tell it like it is. People are LYING when they tell you, "I've read the Bible."
by Terry ingo ahead.
tell me.. "i've read the bible cover to cover.
i don't believe you.. it is damned near impossible!.
I have enjoyed all of your comments immensely, and agreed with them all. After all the 40 years of Bible reading has done for me is that I can beat my son in the Jeopardy questions!
BOE Letter: Re: Our Kingdom Ministry
by pixel inyou read it here first!.
to all congregations.
re: our kingdom ministry.
And who cares?