Evolution has occurred. It is an established fact, I think the only thing a "believer" can do is to somehow reconcile God to evolution by saying that God perhaps guided or used evolution. Or, that he simply allowed nature to take its course, as it were, and, well, here we are.
I call it the Lazy Creator Theory, although a more reverent name would be the Efficient Creator. Here's an example:
Let's just say that the creation account in Genesis is true. God directly created just two of the billions of humans that have ever lived (actually, just one and a half, since he used material from Adam to construct Eve). From Adam and Eve onward until now, humans call God their Creator, but in reality, God did not create us, you and me, humans born since Adam and Eve. He created the mechanism, reproduction and genetics, that resulted in our birth.
Genesis also says, of course, that God created animal life. Again, to have "swarmed" on the Earth, considerable time would have to have been allowed for animal life to multiply and fill the Earth. The Lazy Creator wouldn't have to create all that many forms of creatures. Create a few, and let nature take its course.
To me, that's the only way to reconcile it - that God, at times, did create, but that most of life on Earth has come about by natural means. And even that is a tenuous "theory" for which I can provide no real proof.