JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Being interviewed by police tomorrow
by moley inwell tomorrow is a big day for me.
i'm finally going to be interviewed by the police about what happened to me as a kid.. im running the whole gamut of emotions at the moment.
sad, anxious, angry, guilt, fear and many more that cannot be quantified.. i feel physically sick, cannot sleep, have lost my appetite and i am desperately trying not to self harm.. i've got my sister to thank for getting this far.
Glad you are making a stand. So many are now a days. Not that it makes it easy for you, but you are no longer one in a million. Go get 'em! -
2015-Watchtower Audit Checklist!
by Atlantis in2015, audit checklist.. .. click the green download button.. .. 2015 checklist for audit of file .
.. .. wtunderground!.
They are doing this to protect themselves from future lawsuits. -
2015-Watchtower Audit Checklist!
by Atlantis in2015, audit checklist.. .. click the green download button.. .. 2015 checklist for audit of file .
.. .. wtunderground!.
thanks -
Who Qualifies for TTATT?
by John Aquila inwhen i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
In the interest of all the news of Borg recently I was thinking. John really makes a good point. Sometimes we really try to wake people up. The org is broke and even the rank and file can see it. Even JW Broadcasting had it posted recently with their "announcement" - even though it had some spin, I think most jdubs can see through it. My wife saw it and she's hard core and she saw through it.
I think people maybe at this point waking up more on their own, more than by us. It's like not having to paddle in a boat cause the stream is taking you there. The borg is taking them there now. All the Bethel layoffs, downsizing, mags half there size, no more DO's come on, we've all heard this, ya'll know.
wt today
by bobld inpara 6 *older experienced brothers(i assume d.o/c.o./elders) may be (will be) asked to step aside.i recall in the past the wt said we don't retire at 65 or 70 like christendom.to day it sounds like they do retire only difference clergy of christendon receive benefits and a pension.
I thought this was really the saddest point ever made in the WT ever. Here you have a brother in the picture with the cane supporting himself up while praying his heart out (bless his ole heart-I'm serious on this point too) and all the WT can do is say, "kick him to the curb, he's too old now!" Heartless bastards! -
I was witnessed to by a workmate. -
Finding homes for the former 'bethelites' and 'special pioneers'
by Esse quam videri insince the liberal government has been elected in canada, it seems that people are looking to the future with a little more optimism and hope.
it is only human nature that with change, we would think that the change would be for the better.
the courts have ruled, in canada, that it is unconstitutional to deny the homeless the right to sleep in parks.
Let them do their own dishes for once. Smell their own body odor for once and get introduced to someone who doesn't give a flip about who they are for once. Yeah, that otta bring a little of true humility once to them. -
red flag to a bull those carts can't resist !
by possum inwent to a market yesterday and there it was a cart manned by a middle-aged women and a young one.
in a really respectful, friendly manner i approached them and enquired if watchtower society had done anything about its "two witness policy" post royal commission.
knew nothing of 2 witness rule.
Sparrow down - you said it truthfully. I never thought about it much before until now. Yeah, there isn't much about what their actual reply might be, just offer the literature anyways. -
Where has all the money gone?
by gingerbread ina number of years ago when i was still active, our service group was having a coffee break with the visiting circuit overseer.
during the conversation he mentioned that the "society" was now being run like a business.
being raised in the "truth" i thought that rather odd (and my eyes began to be opened!
Something is definetely up though with the money because there has been several threads on this and NO ONE has been really able to figure it out and there is a number of bright people on this board. WT is into something, just what that is at this point has us all for now, but sooner or later we will know, sooner or later. -
I bought property, not that far from Watchtower land in Warrwick NY.
by Dunedain ini wound up buying 26 acres of land in upstate ny, a few years ago.
i bought it strictly as an investment, due to rumors of there going to be huge development of the area.
it seems like casinos, walmart, and tons of building have started in the area, or are now breaking ground, since i purchased it.
Just think of the fun you could have developing the streets and addresses.
1925 Armageddon Way.
1975 Warwick Blvd.