JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Little "oops" in today's WT Study article.
by stillin inparagraph 12 recommends that we meditate on the weekly reading for the theocratic ministry school.
ok, i'm splitting hairs here.
but there will be no more tms in a week.. somebody isn't keeping up with jehovah's celestial chariot..
Yeah, good catch. The WT is saying that reading for the Theo school for the week is a good idea. How in the world can anyone apply that suggestion now? Oops. I bet you that the GB wishes all publications were electronic so they could have made the correction, but they can't because there are many who still use paper, hah! -
Orgone Energy and Jehovah's Witnesses
by Phaedra injust a little process writing ... with a some tongue-in-cheekiness tossed in.
i pulled out my copy of this book, which i still have with all the highlighted answers and scriptures written in the margins when i was a tween and teen studying to get baptized.
my whole existence was based on the ideas in this book being real and true and i lived my life accordingly, sacrificing myself to the jehovah's witnesses organization, with nothing to show for it.
I too became a witness from this Live Forever book. In this book it was clearly explained that the generation of 1914 absolutely would not pass away before Armageddon came. Oops to the 5 million people or so they made that mistake to at the time. But I still have a faith of some sort now, and still am hanging in there. It's just not controlled by the WT anymore. I'm free. -
Watchtower crackdown on anointed expansion - are they reaching for a solution to the expanding numbers problem?
by slimboyfat inif this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
I think WT articles like this will actually be written annually to remind the rank and file of the qualifications of being anointed, that it comes from God, and that it's basically unattainable for the poor sheeples. As long as the numbers keep trending up, they will keep printing more articles like this. Go figure. It goes against their doctrine. -
What's the status of this org financially?
by megaboy insoooo... i think the main strength of this group is having the finances to keep this con game going.
i'm hoping that the pedophilia cases are draining them dry so we can be rid of this stumbling block from an organizational stand point.
how is the constant surge of bad news getting out on them effecting the everyday person in this organization?
During our last service meeting we had two parts that talked about donations. One was a scheduled part from the Kingdom Mininstry - talk by an elder on the valuable things, but the other part I found was not scheduled at all. It took place over the other scheduled parts because the elders got a letter stating to play this video on where all of our contributions go that we (they) send in to the world wide work. How's it used and such. Then afterward one of the elders gave a summary of the video.
So besides the announcements that lasted 2 minutes and a 5 minute part by another elder that he shorted up because of the money grab part via the letter from the branch, all the service meeting parts was basically about how JW's can support the WWW. More money grabs.
I tell you what, people aren't stupid, well, the majority are not. 2+2 still =4 and when you keep asking for donations people will, even though they don't say a peep to each other, they still know something's not right about it all. And that's whether they are hard core or not. Cause even the hard core know that JW's don't solicit funds.
Google, Apple & how Next Gen INTERNET will DECIMATE the Watchtower Society
by jwfacts inthink the early 80's.
one of the most important events in watchtower history was the release of crisis of conscience by former governing body member f. franz.
slow distribution of this "apostate" book lead to a minor loss of members.
He was so right on when he said that they will be able to watch a meeting that was video taped. Or now you can actually watch them via live stream in several countries. And he predicted this 7 years ago! -
"The church is reeling after a Royal Commission in Australia made 77 adverse findings"
by Watchtower-Free inhttp://m.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/14168160.former_jehovah_witness_from_hartlepool_agrees_to_be_interviewed_as_part_of_nationwide_investigation_into_the_church/.
chris webber, reporter (stockton/hartlepool) / friday 25 december 2015.
a former jehovah's witness from hartlepool calling for changes in the way the church deals with victims of sex abuse has been interviewed as part of a major national investigation.
I expect that more and more will come out of this. -
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Closing & Sale in Boonville, MO
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydbkxynecic
Good find brokeback. Another KH being sold to WT. -
Latest, SHOCKING JW Paedophile case.
by Phizzy inhttp://www.stratford-herald.com/45973-jehovahs-witness-jail...
Indeed another case of child abuse cover up. So much for what the WT said in their rebuttal to the RC. They say they don't cover up anything. Well this is like what the 10th one I've seen now in the last couple years. -
Welcome Darryl. Nice to have you here. -
What made you turn atheist or agnostic?
by LevelThePlayingField inif you were a jw and are now an atheist or agnostic, what was the tipping point that made you turn to it?.
the reason i ask is i have noticed that many who leave the jw's seem to turn to atheism, versus still having some form of a faith.
have many of you given up on god first or have you had atheistic views first and then found atheism to be true.
If you were a JW and are now an atheist or agnostic, what was the tipping point that made you turn to it?
The reason I ask is I have noticed that many who leave the JW's seem to turn to atheism, versus still having some form of a faith. Have many of you given up on God first or have you had atheistic views first and then found atheism to be true. Please help me to know your view.