JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Reasons for NOT Returning Pt. 2
by Saved_JW inwe know he is our son, the parents answered, and we know he was born blind.
21 but how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we dont know.
he is of age; he will speak for himself.
Again, good logic. Who can refute that? I can only return if it's true. I wish every JW could look at it this way. -
Sample Presentation Videos
by wifibandit inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ett8niwgnu0.
That shadow is actually the other witness at the door too. In that video the householder asks how much it costs for the literature, and she gives towards the world wide work. -
Reasons for NOT Returning
by Saved_JW ini left the watchtower in the winter of 2008. my first year out was by far the most difficult.
i had every intention of returning to the watchtower for the very purpose of being able to speak with my friends and family.
i had already concluded that the teachings were not the "truth" [after reading crisis of conscience] so coming back was more emotional then anything.
Great post. Excellent testimony for anyone thinking about going back. Really makes you think. You give very logical and reasonable things to say. -
Steven Lett asks for money again
by Gorbatchov inthe 2016 january tv.jw.org broadcasting has a clear message: jw.org needs more money!.
the 2 months of donation increase is not enough: the thousands of projects are not a 2 month project.. so: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (heh heh heh) and send us more!
personal conclusion: if i had any doubts that the society is sincere, this openly money grabbing has made my perception complete.
the BS meeter, sorry -
Steven Lett asks for money again
by Gorbatchov inthe 2016 january tv.jw.org broadcasting has a clear message: jw.org needs more money!.
the 2 months of donation increase is not enough: the thousands of projects are not a 2 month project.. so: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (heh heh heh) and send us more!
personal conclusion: if i had any doubts that the society is sincere, this openly money grabbing has made my perception complete.
OK, so I just downloaded and watched Lett do his thing. I have to say that of all the broadcasts that I have seen to date, this one and the May money grab are the two that will wake people up. It's really bad. I mean it's like looking outside and seeing 10 feet of snow. The BS meeting reads really high on this one.
Whenever a JW is at the door and the householder starts to go into why this or why that about God and the BS meet starts to go way up, well both witnesses can get the same feeling. Well, we all know on this board that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what we all saw on this broadcast. And even the hardcore JW will have to see at least some of the BS in this. One thing I think that they will see is that the org is pretty well broke and that they are working with little cash to get the rest of Warwick built.
Now if the rank and file are forward thinking at the least little bit perhaps they will think, "what will they do with all the money once they sell the property in Brooklyn?" But I wouldn't get my hopes up. My two cents.
Steven Lett asks for money again
by Gorbatchov inthe 2016 january tv.jw.org broadcasting has a clear message: jw.org needs more money!.
the 2 months of donation increase is not enough: the thousands of projects are not a 2 month project.. so: thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (heh heh heh) and send us more!
personal conclusion: if i had any doubts that the society is sincere, this openly money grabbing has made my perception complete.
Outlaw - you crack me up. The look on Lett's face! And the Op's photo of Lett with the adda-boy look on Lett's face like "there you go, we did it again. We just suckered the whole bunch for their money again-look" It's priceless!
Almost made me laugh off my chair.
Someones trying to make $$ recording JW meetings
by Watchtower-Free in.99 cents a month.
Looks like he's learning his lesson from the good 'ole GB. They are going they money grabs and so is he.
My First post
by Simple Minds ini have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
I think your letter will do just fine. You should be alright now and continue in your fade. When they "shepherd" you, you can just simply say the same things as your letter without going into detail. That will do it. -
Do you ever wonder if the society changes the older issues of the WT to say what they want it to say on those DVDs? Like the 2012 version might say something different than the 2015 version in the 1975 WT? -
by Researchedandenlightened inhttp://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/484952/uk-jehovahs-witnesses-sex-abuse-cover-up
I loved it that the news articles are putting Watchtower articles right in their stories now to show how crazy the WT really is. That's awesome.