JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Ideas for letter to Dr about blood card blackmail and what it means?
by purrpurr infollowing on from another op who brought to our attention the new draconian blood card policy .i'm planning on visiting my dr to discuss this issue in advance.
i'm planning on telling her how jw's and possibly me will be blackmailed into signing this but really won't want the hlc involved and may want blood if needed.. i'm thinking about writing a letter that could be kept on file for future reference outling these issues, what do you think i should say in it?
ideas gratefully received thanks x.
The letter to the body of elders said as soon as the elders receive their shipment of new directives in the mail, meaning at the next meeting when the brothers get all the new blood cards in. -
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
Good point, but yeah, I really doubt that the disfellowshipping thing would ever come into the picture over a blood card, because how could they ever say this was a gross sin, they couldn't and won't. But they could make a person's life rough though, like taking away privileges and the like.
Whats the one thing
by MrTheocratic injw's are constantly trying to prove they have the truth.
they always point to matthew 24:14 and say "who is accomplishing this work today?
this proves we have the truth and gods backing".. for those of us in this community looking from the other side what is one thing that proves to you that this organization does not have gods backing?
I would say for me, the tyrannical way they protect their history to make sure you don't know the real truth about it. And if you do and say something and tell others, then you can get disfellowshipped for it. That's a crazy sin in itself, is it not?
And yes, as another poster has said, the way they changed the Bible, they put Jehovah in the Greek scriptures where the word Lord is, just because they think it belongs there, that's another crazy one. The Greek didn't have Jehovah in it, if it did then put it in there, but it doesn't, so why go beyond the things written?
Another thing is their flip flop doctrines that they change depending on what season it is. Like blood and blood fractions and organ transplants. It all depends who is in control at the time, not God's spirit, that's really obvious.
by apocalypse ini have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
rebel - good point. That's right, giving your blood card to the elders, technically goes against HIPPA. -
New K.Hall Design, Mansfield
by BluesBrother innot mansfield u k , but mansfield in u s a - it doesn't look much, does it?
in fact even the uber dubs on j w talk are not impressed (that must be a first!
this thread of theirs is publicly readable:.
Ok, I get it now. Thinking back to when there was that video on this whole thing from the Society about these new style KHs I could not really understand why they wouldn't show us a model of the new style. Hey, now we all know. Because they are so butt ugly and every JW would gasp in their mind when they saw it.
Yeah, that explains a lot. I kept in anticipation to actually seeing the new design only to never seeing it in the video, big let down, but now I know why...
KH construction
by truth doubter inis it a fact that all kh construction earth wide has stopped?
If you are from FL, TX or CA can you verify that KHs are being built in your area? Anyone? -
London Ohio and Indianapolis Assemby Halls to be sold
by munchausen inannounce was made this week that the assembly halls in london, ohio and indianapolis indiana will be sold and a new 3000 seat assembly hall will be built in southwest ohio.
the assembly hall in london ohio was built in the 70's and is in fine shape - nothing wrong with it.
the new one will cost around 8-9 million.
I just talked to an elder in my hall here in SW Ohio who said that the millions donated are yes with the Society and that the project is on hold right now and may not be built at all. He said the Society is working on more important projects right now.
I thought to myself, "yeah, right, like building your cult headquarters in NY."
KH construction
by truth doubter inis it a fact that all kh construction earth wide has stopped?
I contacted the elder in my hall who's heavy into the LDC and he informed me that for the most part KH construction is being concentrated in three locations in the U.S. He mentioned FL, TX and CA. Those are the hot spots according to the Society he said and that's where the majority of the construction is taking place. He kinda changed the subject after that and it was hard to get him back on it with out seeming suspicious.
Sorry I couldn't be more specific, but neither was he...
JW.ORG Channel on Roku
by Wild_Thing inon my roku box, i went to the most popular channels and there sits jw.org.
it has a rating of 5 stars with over 43,000 reviews!
more than the nbc news channel, and more than the history channel.
I'm sure on one of the up coming broadcasts they will brag about this very point
A blog post on my 65th birthday
by JeffT inputting this out there for everybody.
Jeff, very good blog. What makes it especially good is the timing. You were 18 when the "face the facts" article came out and bam, now you're 65 and no new world. Yes, you proved them wrong 100%. You did face the facts and the facts proved them so wrong, you can laugh yourself to the bank everyday. And the Watchtower can't. They can't literally because they even shut down their own construction. They had no idea that this old system would go on this long. Not one of them did.
By the way, I think your posts are well written too.