So the primary thing is not whether a brother has a flag but how he acts toward it, huh? So then go ahead and put up a big-ass American flag on your front porch and see how quickly your phone rings from your elders!
Simply and plain. It just won't fly. And what won't fly even more than that is suggesting to put up an American flag at the Kingdom Hall! Yes, that's right, put one right at the God blessed Kingdom Hall. Am I pissed? You bet I am.
When I read the Society's answer I got real pissed. That is hypocrisy 101.
But thanks Blue's Brother for posting. I guess all in all, it shouldn't really have surprised us any. But to think of those brothers who stood up so hard and fast for what they thought was so right back in the 1950's and 1960's and lost jobs and dignity all because a Watchtower or an Awake told them to, and now look at this. Dispicable! Many of those old timers and dead and gone, but still, of all the nerve.