I was thinking the same thing during the meeting. I've never noticed it before tonight. It read like a big bragging session for the Watchtower.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Book study this week...more trumpeting over the organzations greatness
by NikL inyou know, there are some studies that are painful to sit through because of the blatant lies or bull shite spewing from the platform.
then there are those that seem to have no reason for even taking place.. such was the case for last nights congregation bible study.. all it did was talk about how many books and magazines have been published over the years and "aren't we wonderful that we print so much stuff"?
this is a study into important biblical things?
February 13, 2017 BOE Re: Memorial and Special Talk
by wifibandit infebruary 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: memorial and special talk.
Wifi, thanks so much for posting, as always.
Wait a minute, the letter isn't complete. They forgot to mention the donation arrangement! Oh, shucks, well the elders will just have to do so on their own. Or wait, the GB just got a check from Jared for $453 million. That'll do.
Did you ever notice by reading that letter or any BOE letters for that matter, that the elders and the congregations have no autonomy? You will do this, then that, and at this time. Nothing further.
Ex-Mormon talks about cognitive dissonence
by LevelThePlayingField inthis guy gets right to the point and talks about how mormons deny truth and their phraseology.
very similar to jw's.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlupmkdfhlu.
This guy gets right to the point and talks about how Mormons deny truth and their phraseology. Very similar to JW's.
200,000 evacuated last night in Northern California.
by compound complex inwhere a few of us here on the forum live is in an emergency situation.
the main spillway on oroville dam -- the tallest dam in the usa -- is damaged.
the emergency spillway, never used before in the 48 years the dam has operated, is eroding.. major confusion and panic occurred when the order went out sunday, late afternoon: this is not a drill!.
Made me think of the "Go bags". I bet every witness who had one grabbed theirs.
Old Watchtower Literature
by biblexaminer insomewhere, somewhen, a dubb died.... waiting for the end no doubt.
when they died, they left their precious watchtower literature to somebody else, another dubb.. and that dubb also waiting for the end, living some austere life as they hovered over their precious and aging watchtower library, eventually died.. and again.
and again.. eventually, the last dubb to die left their bound 'salvation' to the congregation, who put it on a shelf, never to be read again.. and that's where i came in.. watchtower bound volume originals from the 1800's and others.. very old.. the watchtower .
Ah, yes. Old WT literature. How it is a noose for the hanging. I love that old stuff. So good and dirty.
Day 5 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Ends: Plaintiff settles in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by darkspilver inday 5 in court - and apparently the plaintiff stephanie fessler has decided to settle..... http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/02/jehovahs_witness_sexual_abuse.html.
jehovah's witness sexual-abuse-coverup lawsuit settled.
february 13, 2017 at 2:37 pm, updated february 13, 2017 at 2:44 pm.
I'm SO disappointed. I thought she would really see this through. Well, hey, like what was said, there must be many more in the pipeline.
Day 1 - Fessler vs. Watchtower – Opening Statements and Motions in Jehovah’s Witness Child Abuse Trial
by AndersonsInfo innews bulletin: fessler versus watchtower – opening statements and motions in jehovah’s witness child abuse trial – day 1. .
posted on february 12, 2017. city hall, philadelphia, pennsylvania.
on a cold philadelphia morning the 7th of february, 2017, stephanie fessler walked into the court of common pleas of pennsylvania, first judicial district, civil trial division.
this just shows how dirty Watchtower can be. Never think they are there for you.
Is God impressed?
by LevelThePlayingField inso a young baptized brother gets to run the microphones.
so he eagerly runs up and down the isle passing the microphone.
he's so happy because "he's being used by jehovah".
So a young baptized brother gets to run the microphones. So he eagerly runs up and down the isle passing the microphone. He's so happy because "he's being used by Jehovah". But is God at all impressed? Does he now esteem him more than yesterday when he didn't run the mics?
Or a brother/sister turns in their application to pioneer. Now, because of the amount of time spent in the preaching work, is God impressed? Is that person somehow better off? What do you think? What does your gut tell you. If that person said, no, I won't turn in a app to pioneer, instead, I'll just do whatever I can do and leave it alone at that. So now is God still happy? Is he more or less happy.
Do you get where I am going with this? To be real, to be really real before God a person must realize that no show of effort can be viewed in front of others as anything, yet, that's what the whole Jehovah's Witness world is about.
Now, many of you on this panel already know of all of this. You have been schooled by the best of the best from life and the world of JW's for a long time. But for the lurker, someone who is a Jehovah's Witness and just curious, well, hello my friend, and have you ever really thought of things like this?
So, if you run mics, why do you do so? What's your real motivation? Put is this way, if the Governing Body (GB) said next week that no longer are we to turn in our time, "it's no longer a thing to be reported" Would you be relieved? How many of your brothers and sisters actually like the thought of having to turn in time? So the GB said, it's no longer important. From now on just do your best as the scriptures say, we no longer keep track. How would that affect you? Now would you feel pressure to "do more"?
See, if you break it down to the simple things in life, then you will quickly see that what you are "chasing after" is the wind. Yes I said the wind. So why not explore this web site more? See what the Watchtower is hiding from you. They tell you not to research anything outside of the truth, right. Why? What are they afraid of?
Anyhow, the next time you turn in your time or run the mics, just remember, is God really impressed by that?
TV commercial seen in the United States, from a Law firm "Asking if you were ever wrongfully imprisomed by Jehovah's Witnesses Please Call"
by Lostandfound inwould the phone lines melt as thousands report their mental imprisonment by wt, with no prison walls but the electric fence of shunning to keep them in the cult, with now, growing reports of people "tunnelling out" to freedom ?.
I think we all would just love it if someone could post a recording of such a commercial for us all to see.
Sometimes I think the WT is mocking the masses
by NikL inas in today's study.... 18 to lie is to say something untruthful.
(as in millions now living will never die, this generation will by no means pass away, allegations of pedophile abuse of children in congregations is apostate lies) however, jehovah wants his people to go beyond not telling outright lies.
he urged the ancient israelites: “you should be holy, because i, jehovah your god, am holy.” then he gave examples of being holy.
Funny, I was thinking that someone would for sure write a post about this whole thing. I couldn't believe my ears when the paragraphs were read. Crazy. I just kept thinking about how they lie about their history.