Wow, see, just the other day while at the KH they were saying some mish-mash about how the preaching work saves lives and I was thinking, so do the churches, but literally by giving food and shelter and clothes AND they preach the word to them. But the churches don't single out just preaching and nothing else. Jesus said feed the poor too. But 99% of the JW's don't do that.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Picture worth 1000 words
by ILoveTTATT2 in(matthew 25:41-46) 41 “then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, ‘be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 for i became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and i got thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink.
43 i was a stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.’ 44 then they also will answer with the words, ‘lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you?’ 45 then he will answer them with the words, ‘truly i say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.’ 46 and these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”.
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
Wow, baker, that news report from abc, man. That car was totally wrecked, and everyone just walked away from it. If this happened in a KH all the publishers would say it was Jehovah. But since it happened in a church, they will say Ecc 9:11, unforeseen occurance befalls them all.
If you had the opportunity to create religious doctrine from scratch,what rule would your church or nation have?
by Chook inwould you teach a heaven , hell, jesus , paradise.
what rule structure for discipline ect ,ect,.
I would teach the heavenly calling for all Christians, no hell just death, and paradise after the thousand years have ended. Jesus would be taught as having deity.
I would have transparency from the top down. A bi-annual report on how much the church brought in donations and to the exact penny where those donations went. I would allow all to vote on what projects to do and how to spend the money. After all, it's their church right?
I would never prevent people from asking questions, of any kind. We all know the questions that can land us in the elders room and from there the possibility to a JC, well in my church there would be no such thing. Ask away. It would be stated from the platform that questioning is a good thing. We have truths from the Bible, so it ought to stand up to scrutiny.
I don't know how I would implement discipline. I haven't gotten that far on my spiritual journey. People could have beards if they wanted, or any hair style for that matter, and that subject would never even come up in any sermon or private conversation. The WT makes it a big deal by always talking about it. You can where whatever you are comfortable wearing to church. While I don't smoke, smokers would not have any sanctions on them at all, nor would it be a topic for the church to say anything about, one way or the other. So if you've read this far you can see that there's not a lot a person can get stumbled on in my blessed congregation. :)
There would be church picknics, a youth group and seniors group too.
Now, how I would accomplish all of this, well, there are smarter people out there than me, so I would let them handle that. I just want God without Watchtower.
Need Information on San Miguel,Cuba Kingdom Halls
by Ephraim Jamin Vasquez Jr ingreetings fellow brothers and sisters,.
i'm looking to visit cuba and was thinking of traveling to san miguel, cuba and i was wondering if anyone has kingdom hall addresses (phone/address/location) want to visit my brothers there.
i do hope someone can help me, i'm out of options :).
See if they have there country's flag in the window at the Kingdom Hall. I know they do this in Chili. If they do have a flag, take some good pictures and share them with us here.
Follow up: the baby did not survive
by Captain Schmideo2 init was always a long shot anyway.
but, after a week of emotional pain for the mom, and extreme physical pain for a helpless infant, the baby's body finally succumbed.. all those prayers from the parents, from family, from friends, were absolutely worthless.
that is a deity for ya!
I am very sorry to hear about that. But, I often wondered how this whole prayer thing works anyway. I mean JW's are taught that God doesn't do miracles in our current time, that it went away with the original apostles. So then, why do JW's pray for those who are clinging to life? Are they praying for a miracle? Sounds like it doesn't it.
So which way is it? I remember in my congregation there way an elderly brother who was on his death bed and all the brothers giving prayers were praying that "he make it through" because none of the doctors said he would be alive in 24 hours. But he did pull through and is still alive today and that was a year and a half ago.
So, in this case does that mean that God helped him, did a miracle just for him? You would surely think so because everyone at the hall, including the brother said things like, "Jehovah is surely good, I pulled through this when all the doctors said I was dead for sure".
So why help that brother but not the poor baby? Or another question, if God doesn't perform miracles today any more, why pray like that at all? Aren't you asking, basically for a miracle when you pray, "please help him through this so he can live..."
Honestly, since waking up, I can't figure it out.
Wish me all the best
by LevelThePlayingField inso i called in to my local walgreens pharmacy to get my blood pressure medicine refilled.
i go to the pharmacy to pick it up and they tell me that the doctor has denied filling it saying to them, "prescription refill not appropriate".
i asked them what that means and they say you'll have to contact your doctor on that, sorry.
Thank you all for your comments on helping me out in this situation. I will give it thought. I will also post again in two weeks to let you all know how I'm doing.
Wish me all the best
by LevelThePlayingField inso i called in to my local walgreens pharmacy to get my blood pressure medicine refilled.
i go to the pharmacy to pick it up and they tell me that the doctor has denied filling it saying to them, "prescription refill not appropriate".
i asked them what that means and they say you'll have to contact your doctor on that, sorry.
Thank you GreatTeacher. My wife takes the same blood pressure medicine and she has a mega dose of them, so I plan on taking hers in the mean time.
Wish me all the best
by LevelThePlayingField inso i called in to my local walgreens pharmacy to get my blood pressure medicine refilled.
i go to the pharmacy to pick it up and they tell me that the doctor has denied filling it saying to them, "prescription refill not appropriate".
i asked them what that means and they say you'll have to contact your doctor on that, sorry.
So I called in to my local Walgreens pharmacy to get my blood pressure medicine refilled. I go to the pharmacy to pick it up and they tell me that the doctor has denied filling it saying to them, "prescription refill not appropriate". I asked them what that means and they say you'll have to contact your doctor on that, sorry.
So I drive away puzzled as to why and then it dawns on me. He's not filling it because I was supposed to have a blood test done to see how my liver is functioning and I haven't done that since the end of November and now it's the beginning of March.
Oh, and I need to let you in on this little secret part of it all. He ordered the liver test because I have a drinking problem. I drink about a half of a fifth every day (375ml) to deal with things. I told him I would quit back at the end of November 2016, but that never happened. Still drinking about 4 times a week. Now he's blocked my RX refill probably because I didn't get the blood test done? He wants me to get the blood work done and this is his way of checking up on me?
And yeah, I drank today again. BUT, now I am determined not to touch the bottle again! This time I really mean it. So my plan is to go in around the end of the month and get the blood test done and see my doc and just tell him the real truth. By then I will be 3 weeks in with no drinking. I have been drinking every day for the most part for the last two years.
I basically began drinking to deal with waking up to TTATT. When I found out about the UN thing I drank that night heavily and since then to cope.
My doc checked the levels in August 2016 and my liver was irritated, fatty liver, but no damage. And since then I have cut back at least a little from everyday to about 4-5 times a week.
Any of you who have a drinking problem want to join me in starting today (3/3/17) on not drinking any more? We could keep bumping the thread up with our weekly updates. The more support the better. I'm a little anxious to say the least, but last week I went for 4 days and not a drop and the week before that I went 3 days.
Jehovah's Witnesses View of Jesus Compared to the Early Church
by cofty inthe following is an extract from something i wrote 16 years ago soon after leaving the watchtower.
i am posting it because it may help honest jws consider how far their beliefs are at odds with new testament christians.
if they have "the truth" then their attitude to jesus ought to reflect that of the apostles.
I totally agree. Yeah, if I went into a KH and said half of those things the elders would be pulling me in the back and asking what church I had been attending.
Convention program 2017 AM3
by George One Time in
why would our beloved gb member be on the top picture of the program?.
any ideas?.
What makes me mad is that not one single talk in all 3 days had anything to say about Jesus. There's not a hint of Jesus anywhere in the program. And I just looked at the Memorial Invitation for 2017. The cover doesn't have Jesus on it nor is the title about him. It says, "Peace, Health and Prosperity". They note about Jesus in it, on the back, but JW's as a religion are going further away from Jesus. Everything is Jehovah.