I would teach the heavenly calling for all Christians, no hell just death, and paradise after the thousand years have ended. Jesus would be taught as having deity.
I would have transparency from the top down. A bi-annual report on how much the church brought in donations and to the exact penny where those donations went. I would allow all to vote on what projects to do and how to spend the money. After all, it's their church right?
I would never prevent people from asking questions, of any kind. We all know the questions that can land us in the elders room and from there the possibility to a JC, well in my church there would be no such thing. Ask away. It would be stated from the platform that questioning is a good thing. We have truths from the Bible, so it ought to stand up to scrutiny.
I don't know how I would implement discipline. I haven't gotten that far on my spiritual journey. People could have beards if they wanted, or any hair style for that matter, and that subject would never even come up in any sermon or private conversation. The WT makes it a big deal by always talking about it. You can where whatever you are comfortable wearing to church. While I don't smoke, smokers would not have any sanctions on them at all, nor would it be a topic for the church to say anything about, one way or the other. So if you've read this far you can see that there's not a lot a person can get stumbled on in my blessed congregation. :)
There would be church picknics, a youth group and seniors group too.
Now, how I would accomplish all of this, well, there are smarter people out there than me, so I would let them handle that. I just want God without Watchtower.