Gee, I can't wait, as I have an in wife that I attend with. I will end up going to all 3 days in a bit.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Wow i do not reconize this religion anymore...
by _Morpheus inhad the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
They should show this 2 minute video about 1975 at the convention
by LevelThePlayingField inif only there was a way to hack in and play this.
If only there was a way to hack in and play this. :)
Is unbreakable
by UnshackleTheChains ini ask this question for good reason.
let's face it, despite all the books, videos, forums, court cases, hearings, protests etc that have been exposing the society for many years. continues to roll on almost 'it seems' unscathed.. for example, just walk into any kingdom hall there is not so much as a whisper about anything that has been exposed outside of jw land.
I agree with Magnum and Chook, JW's are just not the hard core people they used to be. They used to talk doctrine with people. Now they tell you to go to jw dot orgy. What a bunch of garbage.
My Younger Brother Has Left The Witnesses!! :-D
by pale.emperor inabsolutely thrilled to give you the news that my younger brother, a zealous full-time pioneer has left the witnesses!!.
i haven't seen or spoke to him in a year.
i'd lost all contact with him, no facebook, no mobile number, i didn't even know his address because he'd moved house.
I have noticed for myself too, that the less I do for the Watchtower the better I feel. Happy for you.
2017 International Regional Convention, Toronto – Entertainment at Sony Centre
by SAHS ini’ve been hearing from several very reliable sources that there will be an exclusive elite gala entertainment event hosted by the watch tower organization, featuring specially chosen jehovah’s witnesses of outstanding talent as well as spiritual reputation, at the sony centre (formerly called the o’keefe centre) in toronto, ontario (canada) as a special “after hours” addition to the 2017 special international convention.. those chosen have to meet very strict criteria, including, not so much technical and popular talents, but, rather, their spiritual maturity which can be easily and practically related to by the audience (i.e., degree of conformity – you know what i mean!).
a notable and very well-known professional “super star” from some other country (i don’t know which one) who has achieved highly recognized and popular talent was surprisingly not chosen to participate in the extra entertainment program, whereas other performers with rather ho-hum musical abilities ended up being selected, ostensibly for their altruistic and “theocratic” qualities.
(something tells me that there is going to be some jealousy and indignant, hard feelings over this rather authoritarian, arbitrary selection process.
Well, Watchtower is totally main stream Christians now, complete with their own band and singers and everything. All they have to do now to make them totally like Christendom is have a snipet of this during the program and walla, there you have it.
What a bunch of shit.
What "Rules" Did The Elders In Your KH Make?
by minimus insome congregations were known as liberal and others were considered very conservative.
back in the 1970s a nearby congregation made all speakers who gave public talks a white shirt to wear.
if a speaker came in wearing anything but white they were brought into the library and were given a white shirt!
In our hall, they put the words to the songs on the screen. The CO came and said they can't do that because of copy right issue. So the elders just stopped displaying them until after the first of this year when then society put it's own version out.
I asked one of the elder, what copy right issue? How could we violate our own copy right? We are using it to sing Kingdum songs so why is that an issue with the GB? He just looked at me and said that's what the CO said to do. I responded back, yeah, but does that make it right? What actual harm is that doing to anyone by singing kingdom songs in the Kingdom hall? I said this in front of a bunch of other witnesses. He had a look of "how dare you".
In the JW world, they mistake a free thinker to be a non humble person. I will not drink the effen cool aid.
Why Do People Join Cults? A TED Talk -- JW's to a T
by daringhart13 in
great video for showing how to define a cult.
Yeah, fits JW's pretty close. I like that the video was only 6 minutes.
Judge doesn't want youngster to go to any assemblies/conventions or memorial
by LevelThePlayingField infrom the article, "the judge concluded that there was a risk of the youngster suffering "emotional damage" if he was taken to to jehovah's witness assemblies, annual conventions and memorials.".
read more:
from the article, "The judge concluded that there was a risk of the youngster suffering "emotional damage" if he was taken to to Jehovah's Witness assemblies, annual conventions and memorials."
Wanting Less Involvement (long newbie story)
by DepthsResounding ini was raised a jw and am currently pioneer in a foreign language congregation.
i have been unhappy on and off with my involvement in this religion and am ready to step back again.
growing up i was always active but extremely reserved and a low hour publisher.
There is a lot of good advice here. You may find some of it harsh, but you will realize that facts sometimes come in those packages. You'll get used to it, and even welcome it.
Yes, there is so much that you could be doing if you worked a good paying full time job. If you were to get your own place then I think you will have more room to think things clearly. And with a decent income you could save money and think of other plans.
An E-mail Exchange with an Elder
by Saename inever since i had become an atheist and started to listen to podcasts such as the one by sam harris or shows like the atheist experience, i began to think that it is my responsibility to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible.
in order to ensure that my beliefs are rationally justified, i started to follow logic, reason, and evidence.
i cannot say that all my beliefs are true, but i can definitely say that i make the efforts to ensure that they are at the very least reasonable.. i also became willing to debate people.
Actually, I don't mind the long post. I found it very interesting. I too have found that the majority of JW's have a one track mind when it comes to their beliefs. You could tell them that the earth is round, but if the Watchtower said it's flat, then there's no talking to them about it.