I think that in 20 years the beard thing will be all but gone. Have a beard or not, no big deal.
But right now, it's an act of congress if you have one.
this is my second topic here.
sorry for this biiig post.
i would like to tell you guys about one of the things that bothered me most, despite of being something quite simple, but since it affected me directly, so.... well, being a ministerial servant, i knew the bad view the jw in general have towards beards.
I think that in 20 years the beard thing will be all but gone. Have a beard or not, no big deal.
But right now, it's an act of congress if you have one.
i would like to share my brief experience about my life from liberal jw to a ex-jw.
as i told you in my first post, i'm from juarez, mexico.
i'm second generation born-in, well not really... my mother knew jwland in 1968 and a year later, she got baptized.
Thanks for sharing. You mentioned that you want to be an activist. I think that's a great goal. Share more when you can.
i watched this video yesterday from this brave young north korean woman.
hearing her share her experiences living in her country and what the people go through on a day to day basis is so very similar to jws today and how we lived.. please watch and tell me your thoughts.. thank you.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ijj3insyk.
Your points are well taken. But I really think LIsaRose has made some valid points.
i watched this video yesterday from this brave young north korean woman.
hearing her share her experiences living in her country and what the people go through on a day to day basis is so very similar to jws today and how we lived.. please watch and tell me your thoughts.. thank you.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ijj3insyk.
Well, I disagree. The comparison is not that far off. Think of it as a hyperbole. Sure, you can't get executed for watching a movie but you can be a in a special needs talk for watching a rated R movie, and then shunned. Sure, you won't be raped for $200 but might be raped by an elder in your local hall, and all to end up with everyone telling you it's your fault, and did you enjoy it type of questions from the other elders.
So a far cry, no, it's not. N Korea has physical brutality, the funky-ass watchtower has mental brutality.
Never forget that. Remember the real why you visit this site anyway. It's to help you cope with the Watchtower's torture.
my old congregation's regional convention was the week before last, and for the first time in 20 years, i wasn't there.
instead on the very same weekend, i went to a geeky fan convention called magic city con.
i had loads of fun there, i cosplayed as a jedi and the doctor (which is my current profile pic).
My hat goes off to you because, to be honest, that sounds like a lot of fun. I'm just imagining myself being there. Not having to watch what I say. If I like something that's Star Wars like, I don't have to explain myself, I can just be myself. I envy you. Good job.
i thought that wt would have started doing this, but i have not noticed any posts before.. can anyone confirm (post is from fb)?.
so i have been looking up these different articles to read for myself...one problem.the last time we got a disc was 2015 and i used my mil's disc to down load it to my computer.
they did a update to it last year over the internet, the program updated it's self.
These guys are really effen corrupt. In 15 years no one hardly will know of anything about the JW's real past.
Be we apostates will always know. And all those that REALLY want to know the truth will find out. There is no stopping it.
It will be really interesting what will develop over the next year or so.
june 20, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: supplier arrangements on jw.org.
First, thanks to you wifi for another leak,
Now for humor. "And brothers, remember that there is a cost to those toilet paper squares. So, please only use the number of squares as necessary. Holy shit is what we're in" :(
it was a wtf moment .
the movie is on netflix called american violence.. it was a non block buster hit.
any way the time stamp is 1: 38: 42. if anyone is interested.
Chook said, "It was the bible that gave it , its R rating"
Funny as hell! I almost fell out of my bed!
i remember one of the nights that i found out the truth wasn't the truth, that is after finding out about the united nations, i remember riding my bicycle from like 1am till 5am in the city night.
it was rather chilly, maybe about 55-60 degrees and i was playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon album in my earbuds.
just riding and riding, not really tiring because of the thought that 7 men in brooklyn had duped me, duped me for like 20 plus years.
deegee, you asked:
"I am always curious when someone claims that God showed them something.
How does God do this?
Why didn't God show you that the truth as JW's know it isn't the truth from the very beginning?"
Well, I don't really have an answer for that. You have a good point. Why wouldn't have God shown me the truth about the JW's from the beginning? I really don't know. I don't have a logical answer for that. I guess for me, it's one step at a time. But you make a really good point. At the time back in the 80's when I was praying to know God, I got involved with the JW's and I thought that was God's answer. Now I know it wasn't God. I think God allows us to find our own way.
At least, that's what I think now. One thing is for sure. I'm not going head-long toward any religion right now.