IF the org is truly fat with money then:
$1 billion - $66 million equals $944 million left.
BUT, if the org is NOT truly fat with money... ha ha suckers!
jwvictims.org has another breaking news article out of canada: https://jwvictims.org/2017/10/02/breaking-news-66-million-class-action-suit-request-filed-against-jws-in-canada/.
IF the org is truly fat with money then:
$1 billion - $66 million equals $944 million left.
BUT, if the org is NOT truly fat with money... ha ha suckers!
jwvictims.org has another breaking news article out of canada: https://jwvictims.org/2017/10/02/breaking-news-66-million-class-action-suit-request-filed-against-jws-in-canada/.
"Give the Watchtower yet another black eye". I love that. Perhaps the victims will get something out of this, I hope they do.
jw wedding early 1980s and where they are now.... .
According to the photo, 10 people woke up. That's great. If that's any indication about witnesses in general, then many are and will be waking up.
i know we have all talked about this topic before, but for some new ones on the forum, or to refresh ourselves, i wanted to start this thread.. the society likes to go on about the sacredness of blood, and how it should not be transfused etc.. they liken it to a symbol of life itself.
something that should be respected and therefore not transfused.. but, what is more important: real life, or a symbol of life?.
an illustration came to mind.. if we give a bunch of flowers to a loved one as a symbol of our love for them, are those flowers more important than the love itself?
I am completely convinced that if a WT article came out tomorrow saying, that it's now ok to accept blood transfusions if a person's conscience allows it, then 99% of all witnesses would do so. No doubt about it.
Same thing about blood fractions. While you were still in, how many DPA's did you come across that said NO to everything? I only know of one. And she was 80 years old at the time.
i remember like it was yesterday.
my dad pounding his fist on the kitchen table and gritting his teeth as he tells me to get out!
he kicked me out of his house.
so, now that some time has passed, i’d like some input/thoughts/analysis/etc.
on the jw construction situation in the last few years.. first, why did they discontinue the rbc arrangement and institute the ldc arrangement?
was it for more and/or better control?
I smell a rat.
it's been a while since i posted life updates.
this time we are having a baby boy come along in a few months.
off course nothing is ever easy, my wife is extremely anemic to the extent we are being referred to a hematologist for iron and/or packed red blood cells and potential full blood transfusions.
Wow, this is not easy even without JW standards. My thoughts and prayers are for you both.
my punt 16144 , do you like my last three numbers !.
Yeah, me too. I say 20k. People are waking up and some of those who wake up, keep hold as a Christian and start to partake.
today there was a jesus preaching head case with a bullhorn blaring "save yourself from the fires of hell!
accept jesus.
god loves you!
I distinctly remember this one guy. He was mowing his lawn and I walked up to him and he said, "NO!" as in to say get lost. I asked him, "Do you know who we are?" He replied, "I don't care!" and turned his mower around and kept on mowing.
I thought to myself, ah, he's dead. I wanted to turn around and telling him, he's as good as dead, but didn't.
So, yeah, give me a blowhorn.
It may make an otherwise NON thinking Witness into a thinking one. Who knows. :)