I remember like it was yesterday. My Dad pounding his fist on the kitchen table and gritting his teeth as he tells me to Get out! He kicked me out of his house. I had just moved out as a young 21 year old. As the door swung shut hard with a slam, I remember the smug feeling inside. I was "witnessing to him" and he didn't like it. I was trying to slam the "truth" down his throat. I smirked, literally as I walked out of the garage toward the street where my car was. I thought that this was persecution. Surely I had nailed it on the head now. I am being persecuted I thought. But now, 30 years later, awake to TTATT, I realize that I just been breaking up my family. And I was the cause of it all.
It's too late now. Way too late. My Dad's dead now. I can't reconcile that.
So what's my message behind this post? If I could only tell everyone who is truly in deep with this religion, to watch out what you do. You may end up terminating the very family you love, all for persecution's sake. All for a bunch of, now out-of-date Watchtowers.
Don't do it I cry out to all who may be aware of the danger. But hey, who am I? I am just a poster on this sub. And pretty much everyone on here already knows the truth about the truth. So, why am I even saying this? I guess because it's cathardic maybe.
At any rate, just maybe some of you know the pain too. My best to you.