I'm not sure if the last three references are of the same book. It seems like it by the title.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
NWT support of John 1:1. Punching holes in it
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is what they have in the new world translation index 6a to support their version of john 1:1. they are not honest even to their own people.
they list the year of the bible, rendering, and source.
but there's only two sources that actually lend any type of support to their argument.
Reclaimed voices respond to jw.org's recent public statement regarding the Dutch governments decision to investigate
by Diogenesister ini'm so sorry if this has already been posted but i think its too important and interesting to miss.. reclaimed voices chairman raymond hintjies responds to jw.orgs dutch lawyer's statement that the dutch govt.
investigating watchtower's 300 incidents of csa would be akin to"shooting a mosquito with a water cannon" .
i particularly like raymond's sensitive message to concerned jw parents, at around 3 minutes or so, .
He makes some very good, solid points. Seems like Watchtower only makes excuses.
NWT support of John 1:1. Punching holes in it
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is what they have in the new world translation index 6a to support their version of john 1:1. they are not honest even to their own people.
they list the year of the bible, rendering, and source.
but there's only two sources that actually lend any type of support to their argument.
This is what they have in the New World Translation Index 6A to support their version of John 1:1. They are not honest even to their own people. They list the year of the Bible, rendering, and source. But there's only two sources that actually lend any type of support to their argument. The first one’s actually from a Bible. The second one, The Emphatic Diaglott, The Watchtower had copyrights to it for decades and is a horrible translation. The the 4th one down 1950, "New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, Brooklyn". That's the part they are being deceptive about. After each Bible, they list who the author is. They put, "Brooklyn". They don't even put, "by, Brooklyn". Because then you would think it was a person named Brooklyn. It’s the Watchtower’s OWN Bible and they are citing it here saying, “look at these other Bibles that support us”. Then to be more deceptive, the last 3 are simply reference works, NOT Bibles.
The New Testament, in An Improved Version,1808
The translators think there’s seven books of the New Testament that aren’t authentic.
They think that the miraculous conception of Jesus is fiction.
They don’t believe the Lamb is real.
They think that “everlasting cutting-off” of the wicked means restoring them to happiness.
They believe that Satan is a symbolic being.
Emphatic Diaglott, by Benjamin Wilson 1902
Wilson’s translation makes it hard to know if Jesus is a god or Jehovah.
He admits to allowing suggestions and opinions from friends to change the translation.
He says demons are not real.
The Watchtower says his translation is biased and has faults.
The Watchtower says they think that Wilson doesn’t believe in in the Devil, Jesus’ prehuman existence and that Jesus is in heaven with his fleshly body.
(So they are both horrible translations and the translators were very biased)
“and the word was a god”
The New Testament, in An Improved Version, Upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome’s New Translation: With a Corrected Text, London.
“and a god was the Word”
The Emphatic Diaglott (J21, interlinear reading), by Benjamin Wilson, New York and London.
“and the Word was divine”
The Bible—An American Translation, by J. M. P. Smith and E. J. Goodspeed, Chicago.
“and the Word was a god”
New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, Brooklyn.
“and a god (or, of a divine kind) was the Word”*
Das Evangelium nach Johannes, by Siegfried Schulz, Göttingen, Germany.
“and godlike sort was the Logos”*
Das Evangelium nach Johannes, by Johannes Schneider, Berlin.
“and a god was the Logos”*
Das Evangelium nach Johannes, by Jürgen Becker, Würzburg, Germany.
Org's "rearranginging deck chairs on the titanic" serving 2 purposes
by nowwhat? inin 2 weeks we will be announcing major changes in northern ohio congregations and there is quite the buzz in the area about it.
just talked to a jdub from the detroit area that just underwent similar changes, and they mentioned it has been "quite exciting" to get to meet new brothers and sisters.
so besides the cash benefit of selling a couple kingdom halls in the process.
They just announced in my hall tonight that the week of July 30th they will be spillin' the beans to everyone. They said we're not announcing this to get anyone anxious, just so you can be theocratic, (meaning OBEY)
GDPR Warning for the Org?
by The Fall Guy ina uk organization has been fined £200,000 for accidentally breaching the data protection of numerous individuals.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44872880.
how will jw branches/elders fare in the eyes of the law if they deliberately breach someone's privacy?.
uk elders/trustees, it may be time to take out liability insurance for yourselves!.
I just love news like this. The reason is because I definitely can see WT violating this often.
There's a smile on my face that goes A - Z!
Lies! Since the Watchtower knows how to lie, they can give expert advice on it.
by days of future passed instudy article for october: speaking the truth.
the article is about lying, but the wt is all about lying.
i guess they are concerned with their followers lying to them!.
Par. 14, "What is one way that true Christians distinguish themselves from false religions? We "speak the truth"."
That makes the governing body a false religion. They lie all the time.
Sells out of KHs
by asp59 ini just wonder about the 3000 buildings that are gonna be sold out.
seems like a lot.
but how much is it in percentage of the buildings they own that are gonna be sold?.
Actually Lett said that they needed to build 14,000 new Kingdom Halls in 2015. But now with the shuffle of congregations and the leaked video, instead of "building 3,000 Kingdom Halls per year", the will be selling 3,000 over the next 5 years.
Sells out of KHs
by asp59 ini just wonder about the 3000 buildings that are gonna be sold out.
seems like a lot.
but how much is it in percentage of the buildings they own that are gonna be sold?.
It is exactly 19.7%. I know because, well, I don't really know a damn thing, but I wanted to bump this thread. :)
new JW Online Bible Study Lessons
by neat blue dog inhas anybody seen the new online bible study yet, just posted yesterday i believe?
it's the first thing you see now when going to the home page.
the online bible study lessons on jw.org are free, have no obligation, and are easy to use.
No you can't.
At first I thought when it said interactive it was actual Witnesses on the other end answering questions. I asked that to an elder one day. I said, How about having a chat box to get questions answered. He said, No, they will never do that because apostates would be on there.
Ahh, those powerful apostates. Avoid at all costs.