JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Is the JW Broadcasting having good results for the Org?
by thewalker inwhen speaking with brothers, i can see they really like the jw.org site more than magazines and books.
i can imagine them publishing more and more articles and news as it's more dynamic and creates a sense of alert with brothers looking for new articles to read instead of the boring monthly magazines.. but when it comes to the jw broadcasting, it's something different.
even elders admit they aren't watching the monthly broadcastings.
Here in the midwest U.S. the friends don't say much about the broadcasts. There is one elder I know who watches them and that's about it and maybe a couple of pioneers. But nobody goes around bragging about them. -
2015 November 20, BOE!
by Atlantis in2015, november 20, boe.
.. re: magazine issue dates (see attachment).
click the green download button.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/d5ivman.
Atlantis, thank you again!
This letter to all BOE makes it apparent to me that these guys in New York clearly do not have enough to do. Please place the magazines with corresponding issues according to their numbers of the month basically. It just amazes me that they will send out a letter to every single elder in the U.S for such a detail as this, petty really, but not lift a finger to help be proactive or even reactive in during the Australian Royal Commission. I remember 90% of all of the ones questioned by the Commission said they didn't do their homework in preparing it, including listening or reading the testimony of the victims. But hell yeah, we'll send out letters of this nature!
by EJ257 inplease be aware of everything that is happening around the world at this moment in time.
this goes to anyone, ex-communicated, removed, serving, believer and non.
at this point in my observations i have realized many religions/ideologies know there is some sort "end of time" or a transition into a new order of living in this earth.
EJ257, Welcome to this board. Oh, don't worry, you haven't worried the least of us. 95% of us here have heard this till the cows have come home many times over. You sound like a 1967 Awake magazine. I do agree with one of the things you said. There are hot spots that's for sure, no one will disagree with you on that. And hot spots will come and go. And I think that's the whole point. If you were dong this for longer than 5 years you would have seen that. I've been seeing this for 40 years.
But this site is open to anyone. And your opinions count as well. And again welcome. And please share more.
450,000 UK child abuse cases in 2yrs
by GodZoo inmy lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.https://www.rt.com/uk/323321-child-abuse-rise-family/.
No doubt some of the are from JW homes. Some of them will have the courage to speak up. -
Possom, I like your quote. It is so true. Once we see past the Borg mentality we can finally think a little. -
1934 Yearbook
by why144000 ini have a number of old books and am looking at selling a few.
in particular i have all the old yearbooks (from 1927?
) and i was looking at selling the 1934 yearbook.
I would be interested in buying the 1934 yearbook. -
by LevelThePlayingField inhttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/25/us-singapore-censorship-iduskbn0te19320151125#p8j4iosvuyqyziq6.97.
singapore slashes publication bans, but not for jehovah's witnesses.
strait-laced singapore has slashed the number of publications it bans to 17 from a previous 257, allowing some communist and adult topics, but kept a prohibition on jehovah's witnesses publications.. newly permitted books include "fanny hill", a british novel published in 1748 said to be the first erotic novel in english, and "the long march", a chinese communist history.. a number of the de-gazetted publications were out of print or were permissible under today's content standards, the media development authority said in an emailed statement explaining the changes.. adult magazines such as playboy, penthouse and hustler remain banned, as are publications by the jehovah's witnesses church produced by its watch tower bible and tract society and the international bible students association.. the church's publications sit in the banned list alongside "hardcore pornographic publications" that "depict female models in sexually suggestive poses and their genitals", the government agency said.. singapore deregistered the jehovahs witnesses and banned its publications in 1972 because the church objects to serving national service in the military or singing national anthems.. read more at reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/25/us-singapore-censorship-iduskbn0te19320151125#keowgufecfsjusvm.99
Singapore slashes publication bans, but not for Jehovah's Witnesses
Strait-laced Singapore has slashed the number of publications it bans to 17 from a previous 257, allowing some communist and adult topics, but kept a prohibition on Jehovah's Witnesses publications.
Newly permitted books include "Fanny Hill", a British novel published in 1748 said to be the first erotic novel in English, and "The Long March", a Chinese communist history.
A number of the de-gazetted publications were out of print or were permissible under today's content standards, the Media Development Authority said in an emailed statement explaining the changes.
Adult magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler remain banned, as are publications by the Jehovah's Witnesses Church produced by its Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and the International Bible Students Association.
The church's publications sit in the banned list alongside "hardcore pornographic publications" that "depict female models in sexually suggestive poses and their genitals", the government agency said.
Singapore deregistered the Jehovah’s Witnesses and banned its publications in 1972 because the church objects to serving National Service in the military or singing national anthems.
Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/25/us-singapore-censorship-idUSKBN0TE19320151125#KeoWgUfeCfsjUSvm.99 -
By Their Own Words
by OneFingerSalute inthe internet is a great tool as we all know.
i found this quote from the early book millions now living will never die to be very interesting as it seems to be the exact opposite of what jdubya's practice.
just another example of the double-speak they engage in.
Well, well. Isn't that a truth of all truths. "Error doesn't like to be investigated".
Now who do we know doesn't like to be investigated? Maybe the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.? Yeah, maybe them. All all the other incorporations that they go under. And maybe we should just bring this right down to the local level why don't we while we're at it shall we? Yes, I think that we should. Yes, let's see. Who else doesn't like questions? Maybe the local body of elders? Yes, that's an affirmative.
Maybe OUTLAW could have some fun with this topic.
Former witness in local newspaper
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthis article is a follow up to a recent case which was discussed here.. http://www.hartlepoolmail.co.uk/news/local/former-jehovah-s-witness-says-church-s-policies-don-t-help-abuse-victims-1-7588106.
I remember about 10 years ago doing Google searches on Jehovah's Witnesses and all you would ever get is obituaries and conventions times, that's it. And now... oh boy, now, you get the whole thing. Pedo cases, law suits, the truth. The WT has no where to run and hide any more. Thanks to good 'ole Google. -
Something nice, non-jw
by FadeToBlack ini was out with my 4 dogs last night around 10:30 under a bright moon.
it was frosty (-4 c).
i heard some noise in the field behind my house (my backyard is a national forest).
Thanks for sharing. I was waiting for the..."and the two JW's showed up" part, but there was none, and you know what, that was kinda nice. I pictured your scene, the two moose and all. Thanks man.