Oubliette - good one! Yes tell him you'll compare notes are you BOTH watch the Royal Commission's entire episode!
That'll fix their little red wagon!
one of the businesses i cover is owned by jws and the father and 2 sons knew me as an active brother until 3 years ago when i told one of them i no longer attend the meeting.
today the father and one of the sons asked me if i was still inactive.
i told them it has been more than 5 years since i last been at a meeting.
Oubliette - good one! Yes tell him you'll compare notes are you BOTH watch the Royal Commission's entire episode!
That'll fix their little red wagon!
i haven't been on here for so long.
peeking in to say hello.
any old friends here?
just for your records!.
2015 tax effective giving brochure..click the green download button.http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/7auljal..wtunderground!
The brochure said, the benefits include helping missionary, special pioneer and circuit overseer. Well, for those that are left, I guess, yes.
december 4, 2015. to all congregations in the united states branch territory .
we let the qualified buyers participate in a competitive bidding process and see where the market goes with it, devine told the eagle.. doesn't this logic reflect the same expectation of gambling or buying a lottery ticket?
you don't know if you are going to win big or if you're just going to come out even or lose your $1 investment.. how do they know there's not going to be another market or housing crash the next day and get pennies for their properties?.
how can they honestly say: "...see where the market goes with it" and at the same time condone other for playing lottery tickets or gambling or leaving things to chance like not getting higher education.
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
Their areal photo shot looks like a Waco Texas cult compound.
the portuguese channel tvi in portugal, broadcast this documentary in october 2015 about jehovah's witnesses.
child abuse, shunning, blood transfusions and many other topics were mentioned in this report.the documentary makers asked for a response from the leadership of jehovahs witnesses to the damaging statements made by survivors of child abuse and domestic violence.
Let me explain what I meant by Splaine doing his damage control and still managing to fail. He went there and and the parts during the video where you hear him speak, all you hear him say is 'don't listen to them. Don't believe what they say, it's all one-sided.' Ok, yeah, but then the report goes on to say that Splaine never then gives his side of the story. So he never addresses the issue, which is the whole fricken reason why all those brothers and sisters packed the assembly hall in the first place!
But hey, what are we to expect, this is the GB for crying out loud right? I guess if we wanted some smarts to come out of this we should have someone with a college degree go there.
the portuguese channel tvi in portugal, broadcast this documentary in october 2015 about jehovah's witnesses.
child abuse, shunning, blood transfusions and many other topics were mentioned in this report.the documentary makers asked for a response from the leadership of jehovahs witnesses to the damaging statements made by survivors of child abuse and domestic violence.
TJ Curioso - man, that video you posted at your website is sweet! Thanks for the translation. So Splaine flew all the way to Portugal for damage control and still managed to fail. Nice! This will wake up and shake up a bunch of folks no doubt.
I tell ya, I can't wait for another episode like this to hit the good 'ole USA.
any info on this in usa , what does it involve ?.
any info on this in usa , what does it involve ?.