JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Is Watchtower Really A Real Estate Business?
by OneFingerSalute ini told a still in dubya that the wt was now officially in the real estate buisness.. they looked at me like i had grown a second head.
so i showed them a web site, which they loudly proclaimed to be "apostate".
then i showed them the rest of the web site and asked how long the official jay dubya dot org web site was aligned with an "apostate" web site.. i hate to link that site but as it is somewhat covered up by the dubya's and it may be of some use in making someone think about the money grabs, and the constant begging for more money from those who have little of it for the necessities of life i do so here.
Wait, so you showed them the watchtowerbrooklynrealestate.com website and they said it was apostate? If I understand you correctly on that then this person is really indoctrinated because the society is using that site to help them seller their realestate. Wow. -
What are the economics of cart witnessing?
by slimboyfat inon another thread shepherdless sketched out the past business model of jws and its demise.
until 1990 they were a straightforward publishing business with the tremendous advantage of free labour in production and free distribution agents.
since then they've been relying on donations for literature to keep the old model going.
Betterdaze - good research work on finding that, thanks. -
De muslim rebels are try to enforce Islam on my family and de village.
by Ogwambi-Odoki inmy name is ogwambi odoki, but my friends dey call me og.
i live in a village in rural uganda near the city of gulu.
my family has been jehovah witnesses for two genorations since de first missionaries came to de village many moons ago.
Good one Simon. You can't pull the wool over our eyes Og. -
Governing Body Letter details things that "have never been done before." - Really?
by cappytan in[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
never thought of quick builds that way before. I mean yeah, to think that because they were built over a weekend or so, that was a sign of God's blessing. Where in the Bible does it say that? Actually when Solomon's temple was built it took a long time. More like the church than anything.
240 'Lands'
by Jeffro injehovah's witnesses are purportedly 'active' in 240 'lands', quite a remarkable feat for a planet with only about 200 sovereign states (206 if you count all that are recognised by at least one un member, of which jws are present in 166).
more than half of all jws worldwide are in just 10 countries.
over 90% are in 45 countries.. to achieve this mathematical miracle, various places that are not separate countries are counted as 'lands'.. tahiti is counted as a separate 'land' though it is part of the society islands, which is part of french polynesia, which is part of... france.
Not to go off subject but I noticed when I clicked on the link from thegirlnextdoor's link one the seventh day adventist they actually declare the total contributions annually they received. WT doesn't do that. They are not transparent. -
Update 8: "fix your attitude, young lady"
by Esmeralda001 inmy study conductor lectured me about my attitude this morning!!!!
apparently some sister complained to her that my attitude was irritating.
the sister in question is just bothered by the fact that i ignore her along with her four daughters.
You no doubt have your reasons for doing so. I think those sisters are getting a little of their own treatment and they don't like it. But now they know how it feels. Shoe's on the other foot now... -
Jehovah's Witness pervert who got sexual kicks from strangling children jailed despite cover-up by congregation
by LevelThePlayingField inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jehovahs-witness-pervert-who-sexual-7081892.
Jehovah's Witness pervert who got sexual kicks from strangling children jailed despite cover-up by congregation
- 18:16, 28 DEC 2015
- UPDATED 18:20, 28 DEC 2015
Ian Pheasey’s sordid past caught up with him when one of his victims went to the police after becoming concerned over him getting a job at a hospice
SubscribeGettyHorror: The girl was forced to live with a terrible secret (stock picture)A Jehovah's Witness who got sexual kicks from strangling young girls went unpunished for years after his activities were covered up by the congregation at his church.
But perverted Ian Pheasey’s sordid past finally caught up with him when one of his victims went to the police after becoming concerned over him getting a job at a hospice.
He was jailed for five years after pleading guilty at Warwick Crown Court to assaulting one girl causing her actual bodily harm and two of indecently assaulting other girls, reports the Coventry Telegraph.
Pheasey, aged 54, of Langcliffe Avenue, Warwick, was also ordered to register as a sex offender for life and given a sexual harm prevention order restricting his contact with children.
Jailing Pheasey, Judge Griffith-Jones told him: “You obtain sexual gratification from the idea of strangling children.
“That is a hideous and discomfiting fantasy, and one which has given me some concern when I come to sentence you.
“One of the most serious features is that strangulation creates a risk of causing very serious injury and death.
“So it’s not simply a matter of it being frightening and disgusting that small children have been made to suffer in this way, it’s the risk they would suffer something even more catastrophic.”
Prosecutor Nicholas Taplow told the court: “He was a man who had a particular sexual fascination with the act of strangulation, which features in two of the three counts.
Jailed: Ian Pheasey was sentenced to five years at Warwick Crown Court
“He derived sexual gratification from strangling children, and many children were strangled in this way by him during what he described as 'horseplay'.”
The offences Pheasey admitted date back to the 1990s when he was a member of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Woodloes area of Warwick.
His first victim was attacked in the Kingdom Hall library, where Pheasey was the librarian at the time, when the seven-year-old girl went there to get a book.
The girl was too frightened to tell anyone – and his actions may have gone undiscovered if it was not for his second victim’s subsequent complaint.
That girl was 14 at the time and he grabbed her round the neck and threw her to the floor where he straddled her and squeezed her neck.
The girl fell into unconsciousness, came round but then passed out again before coming round for a second time and crying out: “Jehovah help me!”
As she got up he calmly told her that if she told anyone, he would kill her, chillingly adding that if she grew up and had girl children he would rape them.
She ran home screaming and crying and told her mother what had happened – only to be told to clean herself up before she was taken to hospital for the bruising to her neck to be treated.
“Sadly her parents chose to conceal the sexual nature of the incident and told her not to say anything about it,” said the prosecutor.
"They continued to understate the seriousness of the assault, and the matter was swept under the carpet by the church."
Over the years that victim was badly affected by what had happened, suffering flashbacks and night terrors over it, and her religious faith was undermined.
She feels anger towards her parents and towards the congregation for not dealing with it properly, but felt unable to speak out – until she became concerned on learning in 2014 that Pheasey had got a job at a hospice.
The judge observed: “She must have been absolutely petrified. I’m satisfied you started to undo her clothing, but I sentence you on the basis that you did not defile her body.
“She was entitled to support and comfort which could only properly be exercised by this matter being reported to the police.
“Sadly, when she told her parents their priorities were entirely misplaced. As a result of their failures and of those around her, she has had to bear this terrible memory.”
And the judge praised the courage of that victim in coming forward 'not to help herself, but because she was anxious that others should be protected'.
Pheasey’s third victim was just six when he was carrying out some work at her parents’ home; and as she sat in his van, he got in and began to tickle her before moving his hand up under her skirt – but stopped when she kicked out and screamed.
Following his arrest Pheasey said he could not remember the incident in the library, but accepted he had put his hands round that girl’s neck on more than one occasion.
He admitted he had fantasised about strangling the 14-year-old, and had lured her over with the intention of strangling her and becoming sexually aroused.
Nick Devine, defending, said: “The inevitable lengthy sentence of imprisonment will have devastating consequences for him, going to prison at his age for an offence of this nature.
“It may be that, while the congregation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses can be criticised for how they dealt with it, it has at least acted on him in part to prevent a return to acting out the fantasies he had.”
Little "oops" in today's WT Study article.
by stillin inparagraph 12 recommends that we meditate on the weekly reading for the theocratic ministry school.
ok, i'm splitting hairs here.
but there will be no more tms in a week.. somebody isn't keeping up with jehovah's celestial chariot..
Yeah, good catch. The WT is saying that reading for the Theo school for the week is a good idea. How in the world can anyone apply that suggestion now? Oops. I bet you that the GB wishes all publications were electronic so they could have made the correction, but they can't because there are many who still use paper, hah! -
Orgone Energy and Jehovah's Witnesses
by Phaedra injust a little process writing ... with a some tongue-in-cheekiness tossed in.
i pulled out my copy of this book, which i still have with all the highlighted answers and scriptures written in the margins when i was a tween and teen studying to get baptized.
my whole existence was based on the ideas in this book being real and true and i lived my life accordingly, sacrificing myself to the jehovah's witnesses organization, with nothing to show for it.
I too became a witness from this Live Forever book. In this book it was clearly explained that the generation of 1914 absolutely would not pass away before Armageddon came. Oops to the 5 million people or so they made that mistake to at the time. But I still have a faith of some sort now, and still am hanging in there. It's just not controlled by the WT anymore. I'm free. -
Watchtower crackdown on anointed expansion - are they reaching for a solution to the expanding numbers problem?
by slimboyfat inif this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
I think WT articles like this will actually be written annually to remind the rank and file of the qualifications of being anointed, that it comes from God, and that it's basically unattainable for the poor sheeples. As long as the numbers keep trending up, they will keep printing more articles like this. Go figure. It goes against their doctrine.