Whenever really big money is waved around, such as a billion dollars or so, people may think so. Don't get me wrong, Gorby, I'm not trying to discredit you, nor saying you are completely wrong. What I am saying is that, what they had originally invested in way back is now worth way more, like a billion dollars worth. And the notion of the seven cashing in on that even has me looking at myself in the mirror and saying what are they going to do with all this money?
It just seems unfair that anyone should have such a "winfall". But it's their's and they know it. Bought and paid for. Now if they were transparent about things, like other religions and showed their books, we could see the trouble and say, ok, now I know why you are asking for donations.
But when they play the secrets all the time, it just plays into the imaginations of the people all day long. And the press and the businessman of the Brooklyn area have taken notice of this as well. There was a recent post about this. I think it said something about how the JW's should donate $50 million dollars back into the local Brooklyn community for all the years of tax free status that the JW's enjoyed, and the if they don't then they are leaving without giving back anything.
So I hear you loud and clear I think. Something still stinks in Brooklyn. Those guys will never fess up to it all. And I think they are dumb. The GB are not really running the show as far as the money distribution is concerned. But they have a team of experts doing that at their beck and call, I think.
I have said this in another thread a few weeks back. When they do finally sell their billion dollars in Brooklyn, probably next year, that is 2017, WHAT they do months after that will really be a tell tale. Will they mention in the magazines about sending out way more missionaries back into the field BECAUSE of a money flow? Will they now say they have more money available now for X, Y & Z? My guess is that they will not. And that is because as an org they never have.