JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
by Researchedandenlightened inhttp://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/484952/uk-jehovahs-witnesses-sex-abuse-cover-up
I loved it that the news articles are putting Watchtower articles right in their stories now to show how crazy the WT really is. That's awesome. -
JT & Lady Cee Why we left the Jehovah's Witnesses - Part 2
by JT-LadyC injt further expounds on why we left the watchtower.
why we left the jehovah's witnesses part 2.
Awesome video. Good job JT. This just gives further evidence that the Watchtower and all their GB do not have God's backing. -
Don't fall through the "cracks"
by mrsObfuscate inbeing able to understand and identify the "cracks" (i.e.
unintended consequences) in the many systems we are surrounded by had a profound influence on my ultimate decision to step away from the org.
i mentioned in my first post there were many nuanced details that added up to help me to finally take the steps i needed to exit, and this was a fairly big one.
mrsObfuscate - tell us how did you find out about the ARC? -
Thanks wifibandit and atlantis as usual. I always get a kick out the announcements.
The coordinator walks up the platform..."we have a letter to read...To all congregegation...Dear Brothers..."
I already know. Ha!
Blood Cards on File with the Elders?
by EyesOpenHeartBroken ini have a question for elders here or recent elders.
were the elders, in the last 10 years, given instruction to keep a copy of every publishers blood card on file at the kh?.
we moved to our current cong 6 years ago, and shortly after we moved in, the boe requested everyone update and give a copy of card to the kh.
Must be just in your hall. I served as an elder for 8 years in two states. That issue never arose. I also was taken aback when I read your post here.
I personally would not have consented to the elders having a copy of it. What good does that copy do for you when it sits in the Kingdom Hall. The document is active only at the hospital. So you carry it in your car or on you, right? Right. So at the Kingdom Hall file cabinet, it lays like a book on a shelf and can not help that doctor to help you whatsoever.
I think it's only happening in your hall, by your elders, on the one who's stepping way out of line.
Money Grab started in India
by cognitivedizzy ini don't know how the fellow who made the resolution from stage to send 80% of the congregation funds to the indian branch as an outright donation made it with a straight face.
and all the sheeples nodded like they understood the shit he were spewing.
i'm so mad at this cult .
Here's the thing. There's two sets of people that those all these things. There's those jack-asses GB members and their helpers and all of us that know TTATT. Everybody else is in the dark. So when they get their billion dollar check off the realestate sale in 2017 I figure they're gonna stuff their fat cheeks with it. They're not going to do what a faithful steward of the goodnews should do. Like send back out the missionaries or feed the poor or build schools, no way.
Who am I kidding.
by Atlantis in2015-12-28 liability insuranceclick the green download button.http://fileflyer.com/view/mazfoac.wtunderground!
(if fileflyer locks up this time i will just have to find another hosting site.
Just a note. Do you ever think the GB will drop the phrase, "best wishes", and just leave it as Warm Christian love? Wouldn't that cover it all in itself anyway? Right? What do you need the best wishes for? Does Jehovah approve of wishes? -
by Atlantis in2015-12-28 liability insuranceclick the green download button.http://fileflyer.com/view/mazfoac.wtunderground!
(if fileflyer locks up this time i will just have to find another hosting site.
Thanks Wifibandit and Atlantis. I was able to read Wifi's. -
Chaos at Brooklyn Bethel 12/2016
by James Jack inthis was how it was described to me yesterday by a brother who has been there for some 40 years.
"everyone is about gone; the governing body is set to leave within 2 months; the kitchen and laundry personnel are gone and i have to fend for myself now.".
"also the aggravation of 4 to 5 business men in suits with clipboards daily checking out the watchtower properties.
Wow, you're right. That video was about a year ago. Maybe the next video will be a little different. -
The jw.org billions
by Gorbatchov in.
it is still strange, that an organization, lead by a group of old timers, is gaining billions at the moment, without giving any transparency and accountancy feedback, because these men "trust each other", and come away with that.. they got the property investment by the use of cohi associates, and deposit their liquid assets at the caymans.. it is clear: the real power behind the jw.org facade is securing his future.. don't get me wrong, i'm not insane, but more and more i got this strong gut feeling that some governmental organization has the real power.. gorby.
Whenever really big money is waved around, such as a billion dollars or so, people may think so. Don't get me wrong, Gorby, I'm not trying to discredit you, nor saying you are completely wrong. What I am saying is that, what they had originally invested in way back is now worth way more, like a billion dollars worth. And the notion of the seven cashing in on that even has me looking at myself in the mirror and saying what are they going to do with all this money?
It just seems unfair that anyone should have such a "winfall". But it's their's and they know it. Bought and paid for. Now if they were transparent about things, like other religions and showed their books, we could see the trouble and say, ok, now I know why you are asking for donations.
But when they play the secrets all the time, it just plays into the imaginations of the people all day long. And the press and the businessman of the Brooklyn area have taken notice of this as well. There was a recent post about this. I think it said something about how the JW's should donate $50 million dollars back into the local Brooklyn community for all the years of tax free status that the JW's enjoyed, and the if they don't then they are leaving without giving back anything.
So I hear you loud and clear I think. Something still stinks in Brooklyn. Those guys will never fess up to it all. And I think they are dumb. The GB are not really running the show as far as the money distribution is concerned. But they have a team of experts doing that at their beck and call, I think.
I have said this in another thread a few weeks back. When they do finally sell their billion dollars in Brooklyn, probably next year, that is 2017, WHAT they do months after that will really be a tell tale. Will they mention in the magazines about sending out way more missionaries back into the field BECAUSE of a money flow? Will they now say they have more money available now for X, Y & Z? My guess is that they will not. And that is because as an org they never have.