JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
KH construction
by truth doubter inis it a fact that all kh construction earth wide has stopped?
If you are from FL, TX or CA can you verify that KHs are being built in your area? Anyone? -
London Ohio and Indianapolis Assemby Halls to be sold
by munchausen inannounce was made this week that the assembly halls in london, ohio and indianapolis indiana will be sold and a new 3000 seat assembly hall will be built in southwest ohio.
the assembly hall in london ohio was built in the 70's and is in fine shape - nothing wrong with it.
the new one will cost around 8-9 million.
I just talked to an elder in my hall here in SW Ohio who said that the millions donated are yes with the Society and that the project is on hold right now and may not be built at all. He said the Society is working on more important projects right now.
I thought to myself, "yeah, right, like building your cult headquarters in NY."
KH construction
by truth doubter inis it a fact that all kh construction earth wide has stopped?
I contacted the elder in my hall who's heavy into the LDC and he informed me that for the most part KH construction is being concentrated in three locations in the U.S. He mentioned FL, TX and CA. Those are the hot spots according to the Society he said and that's where the majority of the construction is taking place. He kinda changed the subject after that and it was hard to get him back on it with out seeming suspicious.
Sorry I couldn't be more specific, but neither was he...
JW.ORG Channel on Roku
by Wild_Thing inon my roku box, i went to the most popular channels and there sits jw.org.
it has a rating of 5 stars with over 43,000 reviews!
more than the nbc news channel, and more than the history channel.
I'm sure on one of the up coming broadcasts they will brag about this very point
A blog post on my 65th birthday
by JeffT inputting this out there for everybody.
Jeff, very good blog. What makes it especially good is the timing. You were 18 when the "face the facts" article came out and bam, now you're 65 and no new world. Yes, you proved them wrong 100%. You did face the facts and the facts proved them so wrong, you can laugh yourself to the bank everyday. And the Watchtower can't. They can't literally because they even shut down their own construction. They had no idea that this old system would go on this long. Not one of them did.
By the way, I think your posts are well written too.
London Ohio and Indianapolis Assemby Halls to be sold
by munchausen inannounce was made this week that the assembly halls in london, ohio and indianapolis indiana will be sold and a new 3000 seat assembly hall will be built in southwest ohio.
the assembly hall in london ohio was built in the 70's and is in fine shape - nothing wrong with it.
the new one will cost around 8-9 million.
This really makes me mad because this was the last time that I actually donated, and now to hear this!!! I hate the fact that my money went to the org! I thought it was supposed to go to the building of the new assembly hall. I live in SW Ohio and will ask about the project next chance I get. -
WT Resurrection Hope Absolutely Ridiculous As Illustrated In Their Publications
by JW_Rogue insaw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!
I can't believe that they actually took the beard of that guy. For what reason?! There's not one good reason at all. Wait, yes there is, it serves the Watchtowers purpose. -
What is a generation? Matthew 1:17 is pretty clear to me
by pleaseresearch inso we have this ridiculous teaching of an overlapping generation, something the bible clearly does not teach.
if this has been mentioned before i apologize.
but it's interesting that at the start of matthew we go through the genealogy of jesus.
Not long after the video came out with Splane and his chart explaining this generation thing I phoned an elder and used this very scripture in Matthew and said, "There. That's how long a generation is according to the Bible. You don't need charts to tell us how long a generation is." And believe it or not he actually agreed with me. But he didn't really say much after that and kinda just mumbled that we need to go along with the slave.
So I didn't really argue with him much and kept status-quo with him to keep the relationship, neither agreeing nor disagreeing, but simply stating that to me, I wanted to stick with the Biblical definition of a generation. And that was about the extent of the conversation. I wish I had a big "ta-da moment" but sorry, just reality.
Breaking news - from reliable insider source - GB member Sanderson to wed
by sir82 innot only that, but apparently it is to a transgender female.. new light wt article regarding "born that way" transgenders as a "conscience matter" to be released in the august 15 wt.. more details here..
Now, why, why, WHY, Sir82 did I click on that?! Because I'm gullible, that's why. But man did I have a laugh. Just like when Outlaw has his posts here. You really had me.
Could I really be that gullible, yeah I sure could be, after all I'm JW.
BOE: 2016-03-21 Re: Donations to “Jehovah’s Witnesses of India”
by wifibandit inmarch 21, 2016 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: donations to “jehovah’s witnesses of india”
I was just thinking...there was six pages on how to send the money, but how many pages on how to safe guard their own children...just saying.