I agree. They didn't even want me to open the folder I had that contained the United Nations letter about the WT involvement. They treated that folder like it contained the plague.
Now just thinking here simply and plainly. If there was anything that was corrupt in the org and someone of good standing was to bring this forth, don't you think common sense would say at least peak at it, give the man a chance to say what it's about. But no way, and to the effect that even if it's true, "it doesn't even matter" was the quote I got from the one elder. So scoff at the Catholic church for doing it and ridicule them, but if someone detects the same completely ignore it? This is the essence of hypocrisy.
You know, I'm really glad now. It's been 2 days since I met with those two elders, but I'm really glad because it SHOWS me what the org is really about. Now, prior to this I heard recordings and many youtube experiences but when you experience it first hand, it brings on a whole new meaning and reality. It really sinks in and stays with you. You think about it through out the day and during the night. You keep hearing the elder say, "this is apostate!" again and again, and it really sinks in. In essence he was calling me an apostate simply for finding a news article critical of JW's. But my point is that when you actually experience something like this, and many of you reading this already have, then it becomes more real to you and you see the real org. Yes, the real org.