It's cool that you recognized that the sister in the video was about that age and still living at home. Yeah, why hasn't she moved out on her own by now? Also, the GB puts watching sports in such a bad spot light in this segment along with him simply showing her a car that he was supposedly interested in. Well, hey, welcome to the real world. Life is not all about meetings and field service or did they not get the memo.
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
New Video Series On Courtship May Open Some Eyes
by JW_Rogue inso the wife was watching the latest installment of jw broadcasting and near the end there was a new segment on dating and courtship.
it starts at about the 39 minute mark:.
“Sing Out Joyfully” to Jehovah
by wifibandit inborg link warning: “sing out joyfully” to jehovah.
non-borg pdf mirror: “sing out joyfully” to jehovah.
I love it here on this forum. I can really speak my mind. Ok, then. I hate the new cover. It's an ugly grey just like the new Bible. No art work or anything? Yuck.
Try saying that at a Kingdom Hall near you.
What is the biggest hypocrisy you have seen as a witness?
by HereIgo ini have far too many to name, but ill start with obscene music, gambling and cussing like a sailor.
all the while preaching to "worldly people" about their impending death at armageddon.
The United Nations scandal was the biggest thing to me. The WT was in bed with them for 10 years and hardly a witness knows about it to this day. That's the biggest hypocrisy.
Who is attending the 2016 Annual Meeting this Saturday?
by Londo111 ini'm curious if we will have eyewitness reporters at the stanley theater like we do every year....
Well here's the thing. These are all good predictions and the cool part is we only have to wait a few days to find out anyway, so stay tuned.
Oops, I did it again! Flag placed in the KH: Chile 2016
by ILoveTTATT2 inmy friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:
So the primary thing is not whether a brother has a flag but how he acts toward it, huh? So then go ahead and put up a big-ass American flag on your front porch and see how quickly your phone rings from your elders!
Simply and plain. It just won't fly. And what won't fly even more than that is suggesting to put up an American flag at the Kingdom Hall! Yes, that's right, put one right at the God blessed Kingdom Hall. Am I pissed? You bet I am.
When I read the Society's answer I got real pissed. That is hypocrisy 101.
But thanks Blue's Brother for posting. I guess all in all, it shouldn't really have surprised us any. But to think of those brothers who stood up so hard and fast for what they thought was so right back in the 1950's and 1960's and lost jobs and dignity all because a Watchtower or an Awake told them to, and now look at this. Dispicable! Many of those old timers and dead and gone, but still, of all the nerve.
Why aren't there windows in the KH?
by longgone inthe last kh i attended, (faded) was built in 2014. there are no windows anywhere, although the front doors are glass.
it's nothing but a brown brick rectangle, as nondescript as possible as well.. any thoughts about why?.
There have been a few posts about this in the past. If you dig them up you'll see their explanations. I myself really don't know. But I'm sure the comments to follow will provide an answer.
Oct 2021 Time Capsule
by LevelThePlayingField inwhat do you think the jw religion will be like in oct 2021?
if we go back five years from oct 2016 you get 2011. there was no, really pretty much no tablets, most people were using paper copies for everything.
now that's all changed.
What do you think the JW religion will be like in Oct 2021? If we go back five years from Oct 2016 you get 2011. There was no, really pretty much no tablets, most people were using paper copies for everything. Now that's all changed. And there was no JW.TV either. No JW broadcasts. No Caleb videos, no nothing.
So, what do you see the religion in 2021? This post is a time capsule post. So I plan to revisit it in Oct 2021. Go ahead and speculate.
For Sale: 74 Adams St
by wifibandit in
all pictures archived at .
We don't mean it to seem any other way than this: Come and buy this property before the rank and file get any wiff that we are over our heads! We need the money, world! Buy this damn property why don't you. We have lot's of bills to pay. We are greedy, we are flying first class and we really don't want to change a damn thing!
RIP dad, who introduced me to this fairytail of everlastin life and paradise :(
by Frezia inless than 5 hours ago my great dad fell asleep the last time :( still in a bit of a shock and sad that i will not see him again...i promised myself that once he is here no more, i will somehow make my move out of this organisation who kept us all captive believing in a fantasy of an everlasting life :( i am in a tricky situation, since raised as jw, still in, married to an active jw, and pretty sure that all in my social and family circle will turn their backs on me if i finally say goodbye to a fairytail ;(.
Never give up on hope. What I mean by that is this: Never give up on yourself. You my friend, have so much to live for. You have the rest of your life to live. I know right now is truly a dark day. And I do not know what emotions you are having at this moment. But have this comfort. That the friends on this board have your back. Many of persons of the world have gone through what you have and have realized that they too can live another day and see that they have a bright future ahead of them. One that involves self discovery that does not involve the Watchtower glasses to be on while doing it.
So, walk each day gracefully and slowly. Be happy for each day that you have. And never forget the thing you have learned. You will succeed. I know you will. Never doubt yourself.
When you were fully in, would you lie about how loving your congregation was?
by TTWSYF innot long ago my elder brother got very sick.
he was hospitalized for a few weeks and his jw wife and children were at his side often.
also, his non jw family was also bedside with him, siblings and parents.. his recollection involves asking us "don't you remember all the jws that came visiting me when i was sick?".
I have been in three congregations in the 26 years in the "truth". And I've always been honest with how loving the congregation has been. My first congregation was the envy of any congregation in the state. And to this day they still are. They were the true loving people that the Bible should be. I wish I was still there. They were real loving people. I know in this forum you won't hear much about that, but I have to tell you they were true Christians. I think that if the ARC happened back in 1995 and I was still in that congregation they all would have left. Well, maybe, no. I don't know about that. But, that's the emotion that I felt with them at the time, when I was fully in.
Anyway, I never deluded in conversation how I felt about a congregation. For example. I don't feel that the current congregation I belong to is very loving. So when people ask me. I tell them, "the congregation is very friendly", even though they are not very loving. Whereas I would have told them that the congregation was very "loving" if I was in the other congregation from years ago. See the difference? I moved about 500 miles away and it's different. So it goes, my friend, so it goes. I don't have the answers. I wish I did.