Wow, that's funny. I just watched the same video last night. Yeah, basically, he was baptized at 9 years old, was a super rock star JW, but since high school has had some doubts. Those doubts became more and more as he has had run ins with other JW's who woke up. But he wouldn't have any of it until he watched Jackson's ARC video on Youtube. That was a game changer for him. Then he moved away from his parents home area, about 1.5 hours away, got invovled with a girlfriend and fessed up to the elders. Got DF'd but told his parents he'd be right back to Jah ASAP. Found out more TTATT from John Cedars channel and that was it. Oh, and he read Crisis of Conscience. Now he's one of us. :)
JoinedPosts by LevelThePlayingField
Very interesting experience
by joe134cd injust watched this you tube clip in its entirety.
thought it was extremely well done.
The abuse of Tara. Scandalous cover ups by Jehovah's Witnesses
by honest in
fry watchtower fry!!!
I feel so bad for her. And the elder, appointed by holy spirit right? Yeah right.
Royal Commission into Child Abuse Report available now (Australia)
by Thursday in
for those that were following the australian royal commission into child abuse in institutions - case study 29 jehovah's witnesses, the report is now available.
the summary findings were:.
Yes, this report's been out for a bit now and there's been a few topics discussing it. Troubling thing is, most JW's who even know about this just deny the validity of it as apostate driven lies.
Can you believe it?
What do you think .
by smiddy inwhat is the one thing a male escapes from,then spends the rest of his life trying to get back into ..
Pervert`s go-ahead to watch over kids ( A JW ? ) With A Childcare Centre
by smiddy infrom an article in the herald sun newspaper wed.dec.7,2016 ," a convicted perverts plan to open a childcare centre have been given the green light by the victorian civil and administration tribunal".
" he was found guilty of wilfully and obscenely exposing himself on five seperate occasions between 1982 and 1997.".
apparently" he masturbated in front of two 16 year old school girls asking them if they had a good look and if they enjoyed that.".
My thoughts? Ok. When in the world will these governmental agencies ever wake up the the JW's BS. So a guy learns the Bible, becomes a JW evidently and then poof, problem solved? No, no. The ARC knows this is BS so why don't they see this? I don't know.
Article: A Look at Canada's 12 Most Wanted Fugitives (Look who is #2)
by AndersonsInfo in
december 6, 2016. by sam cooley.
He's "believed to have used the institution to get close to children so he could abuse them." Gee, where have we heard the the ARC, which all the JW's flatly denied. But it's true, so true. Pedos use the JW religion to work out there plans, cause it's a great place to do it.
That's the truth.
Anthony Morris Made a special appearance on JW Broadcasting to talk child abuse.
by NikL injust popped on to see if december broadcast was up and it's not.. however, there is a new vid of bro.
morris addressing child abuse within the org..
You've heard of, "My country, right or wrong." Well, I think there are Witnesses out there who think, my religion right or wrong down deep in there hearts, pedophiles and all.
Mandatory Reporting Laws in Canada - Child Abuse
by OrphanCrow inthe issue of whether or not the elders have a duty to report is clear cut in canada.
this will make it impossible for the wts to wriggle out of the wrongs that have been exposed in quebec recently.
the elders in those situations have received their instructions from the wts lawyers and they have been advised wrongly.. for several years (can't remember when this was made law...years back), it has been mandatory for everyone in canada to report suspected cases of child abuse, which, naturally, include the sexual abuse of minors.
Very good post. Thank you for your research. I wish, as was Doc said, it was mandatory here in the US as well. But now come to think of it, if they don't readily report in Canada even though there is mandatory reporting, then I would bet the pattern would follow in the US as well.
So much for what Jackson said at the ARC about how it would solve that problem of whether to report or not. Hmm.
Australian Jehovah's Witnesses are ignorant of the Australian Royal Commission
by stuckinarut2 inmany here have asked how the average witness in australia is taking the news of the arc findings and conclusions.. is it affecting them?.
sorry to say, hardly any are even aware of the facts.
those that are, have been convinced that all the publicity is "apostate lies and satanic propaganda".
After all the news articles through out the last year and the TV coverage, it's still all just lies? Then what about when the media says good things about JW's, then of course it must be the truth?
But you know you are right, they are really brain washed and this is a really good example of it. So much for witnesses saying their eyes are open.
New documentary will air in Canada(Que.) dec. 1st 9pm
by yalbmert99 incanada : new documentary on pedophilia amongst jehovah's witnesses.
will air on thursday dec. 1, 9h00 pm on radio-canada in french..
The more exposure the better, even if I can't understand French.