I absolutely agree with you jwfacts, that at the time a victim needs the support the most, they are shunned. What a disgrace. I can not in my heart of hearts EVER see Jesus doing such a thing.
He would do the opposite.
once again, the arc has brilliantly highlighted the reality that any witness who either fades or disassociates is subjected to active official shunning by the organization.. the "brothers" tried to state that it was the choice of the indiviual who steps away from the organization to shun them!
they actually tried to make it out to be the fault of the one who leaves!
then they tried to say that those who fade are not shunned!.
I absolutely agree with you jwfacts, that at the time a victim needs the support the most, they are shunned. What a disgrace. I can not in my heart of hearts EVER see Jesus doing such a thing.
He would do the opposite.
this judge ask the rape victim "why couldn't you just keep your knees together", wth.
he acquitted the man accused in the case after deciding his testimony was more credible.
story "canada judge resigns over "keep your knees together comment" and he later became a jw, he will make a good one.....
And he later became a JW... why does this not surprise me. Woe for those whom are in the room with him and two other elders for a judicial case. :(
edit: first link the sound dropped off for no apparent reason.
this link works.
Here is part 2.
edit: first link the sound dropped off for no apparent reason.
this link works.
I corrected the audio. Sorry all.
edit: first link the sound dropped off for no apparent reason.
this link works.
Edit: First link the sound dropped off for no apparent reason. This link works.
what is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
Both Spinks and O'Brien pretty much object to every question. They could simply answer the question, Is it in your policy? That's a yes or a no. But no, not for Spinks or O'Brien, they have to weasel around. But good old Stewart doesn't fall for it. He just takes them right back to the original question.
hi all.. this is a reasonable question and would love to know what you think is having the biggest impact on watchtower.
there is a plethora of websites talking negatively of watchtower.
there are the never ending court cases regarding child abuse allegations.
I think it's money, or was money until they sold their HQ in Brooklyn and it's child abuse cases and the internet.
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
I can think of two things that if come up, they would absolutely cancel the Memorial, no questions asked. Both of them lead to jail time and a permanent record.
Please vent here, that's what many of us do. Like the others said most individual JW's are really nice people. But the org on the other hand, not so much. I hope all the advice on here has you thinking twice.
jehovah’s witnesses “child safeguarding policy” (great britain, ireland, uk) – 2017. analysis of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom and the republic of ireland [2017].
by barbara anderson.
2013’s “watch tower bible and tract society of britain and congregations of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom and ireland child safeguarding policy” (wtb&ts of britain’s csp) document was considered to be the official watch tower policy until the release on january 1 of the 2017 “child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom, etc.,” (csp of jws in the uk).”.
So that's it for witnesses to appear or is there more coming? I hated how O'Brien and Spinks objected to everything under the sun. Is the ocean blue? O'Brien "Ah, it depends on where you stand. Now if you mean blue like the sky then...."
Regards to Spinks answering a question, "No, it's not like that at all. If you drop a ball from a 10 foot ceiling you see, and then using the 'half way there math principle' so half way is 5 feet, then half of that would be 2 1/2 feet. Well, you see by counting it on the way down by halfs, then mathematically the ball will never reach the floor. So, NO, it's not like that at all!" :(
Edit: Ok, I just looked at the witness list. It's just the two eggheads, O'Brien and Spinks.
hello everyone first post, i will leave my whole story for another post.
but i would like to say hello to everyone and wish everyone here much love and support.
and i should also note of my self i might say things that are odd or makes no sense, but then that is my humour.
Well if Warwick was built from the sales in Brooklyn then that would mean that they have had the money to build it pretty much from the start, and the sales, about $1 Billion, are just extra money now.
Or is it, because about a year ago Lett was begging for money saying, "the amount of money coming in from donations does not equal the outflow", so then they were just begging for more even though they had the money in the bank to build Warwick?
OR, does it mean that they took out a bridge loan while building Warwick? I almost think the bridge loan might have been what they did because remember, they cut back on printing and did completely away with printing on many publications, laid off all kinds of bethelites, got rid of pretty much all special pioneers, had all construction stop world wide except for Warwick and the UK, put a hold on building about 90% of all Kingdum Hells, and I think there is more, but can't remember. So basically the org had all the signs of needing money.