First, thanks to you wifi for another leak,
Now for humor. "And brothers, remember that there is a cost to those toilet paper squares. So, please only use the number of squares as necessary. Holy shit is what we're in" :(
june 20, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: supplier arrangements on
First, thanks to you wifi for another leak,
Now for humor. "And brothers, remember that there is a cost to those toilet paper squares. So, please only use the number of squares as necessary. Holy shit is what we're in" :(
it was a wtf moment .
the movie is on netflix called american violence.. it was a non block buster hit.
any way the time stamp is 1: 38: 42. if anyone is interested.
Chook said, "It was the bible that gave it , its R rating"
Funny as hell! I almost fell out of my bed!
i remember one of the nights that i found out the truth wasn't the truth, that is after finding out about the united nations, i remember riding my bicycle from like 1am till 5am in the city night.
it was rather chilly, maybe about 55-60 degrees and i was playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon album in my earbuds.
just riding and riding, not really tiring because of the thought that 7 men in brooklyn had duped me, duped me for like 20 plus years.
deegee, you asked:
"I am always curious when someone claims that God showed them something.
How does God do this?
Why didn't God show you that the truth as JW's know it isn't the truth from the very beginning?"
Well, I don't really have an answer for that. You have a good point. Why wouldn't have God shown me the truth about the JW's from the beginning? I really don't know. I don't have a logical answer for that. I guess for me, it's one step at a time. But you make a really good point. At the time back in the 80's when I was praying to know God, I got involved with the JW's and I thought that was God's answer. Now I know it wasn't God. I think God allows us to find our own way.
At least, that's what I think now. One thing is for sure. I'm not going head-long toward any religion right now.
there's a popular misconception that books in general are in terminal decline, that this is the reason the wt organisation has turned to tablets instead of print, and this in turn has created a financial crisis for the organisation which traditionally relied upon publishing books for income.
this is wrong on a number of levels.
firstly physical books are not in terminal decline, they are as popular as ever with consumers.
Slim, I love reading your posts. They often talk about things that are on my mind but can't quite figure out. I think you are right about the whole thing. I think that if they could still sell literature, then the tablet would still be evil.
Independence from Watchtower! Happy 4th to all!
wow, wow, it appears on about the 50:00 minute mark and it shows the kingdom at hand publication and many old school awake issues.
it shows also many many la la land moments where the actors sing to the lyrics.
i know they been doing this for last few months.
Wow, thanks for sharing. I am so pumped! This must be the truth! :(
i'm fairly new on here and i've told a lot of my story but to recap, after 60 odd years i've stopped going to the meetings.
my husband had already left the truth years ago and my children didn't become jws.(phew!).
i had a horrendous childhood growing up as a witness which included sexual assault by a close relative, also a jw.
I would say that you are really in a bad position if this was really the true religion. But it's not, and so for you that's actually good news. The JW's are different in many ways, but not the true religion. So, don't let them bug you about anything. There is much good advice here from people who are with it as regards to reality. But as for the JW elders, not so much.
i remember one of the nights that i found out the truth wasn't the truth, that is after finding out about the united nations, i remember riding my bicycle from like 1am till 5am in the city night.
it was rather chilly, maybe about 55-60 degrees and i was playing pink floyd's dark side of the moon album in my earbuds.
just riding and riding, not really tiring because of the thought that 7 men in brooklyn had duped me, duped me for like 20 plus years.
heard gave 3 talks at the convention.
one thing i noticed rather quickly was how stuck he was to his notes.
he rarely looked up.
One other thing of note, was that Heard has the last part on the last day of the convention. It was about how we know the end is near. He said absolutely nothing about how we know the end is near. Really. He didn't read Matt 24 or anything. All he said was "all the prophecies in the Bible, as all you dear brothers and sister know, are being fullfilled right now. So we know the end is very close". That was it. Nothing about imminent or anything, well, that is until Tony tight pants had a video at the last minute. He said the end is imminent.
Yeah, Tony, I know. It's been imminent for 138 years. So what's new.
we all know watchtower doesn't encourage their members do research for themselves.
can anyone point out any articles where it mentions this?
any help would be appreciated.
I was once told, not to Google things, but only stick to WT library or JW dot orgy. So I asked the elder, so I can't go on and check the weather? Or go to and look up the latest news? He had nothing to say.