Sadly, this is the only thing I could find in English about this event. Maybe you want to show the news reports to someone, but sadly, I can't find them in English.
Sadly, I can't find the statement of the branch representative online. But the guys says that it really happened. Really shook his faith. Probably it was given to one of the small local papers that don't get as much coverage. With hundreds of Romanian websites telling this story at the moment, I can't seem to find it. But it wouldn't surprise me to be true as it is their official position in the neighboring country of Bulgaria.
It was one of the conditions for the religion to become legal in the country. You can find proof of that and the whole story in JW Facts. So, they have declared this publicly before almost 20 years ago. Of course, JWs in Bulgaria know it isn't true, as anyone having a transfusion will suffer the known consequences. It just goes to show how hypocritical they are.
At least this girl's death wasn't totally in vain and it managed to turn the entire public's opinion against JWs in this country. Now, most people are seeing them as a super dangerous cult that kills people. This infamy will make it very hard for them to get any converts. I wonder how long before they'll drop this evil doctrine.