JoinedPosts by cookiemaster
ANNOUNCEMENT CLIP ...2015 Annual meeting Sam Herd confirming what we knew a month ago about slow down and halt of worldwide construction
by Watchtower-Free in
If they're doing cost cutting, maybe the Gibberish Buddies could start by selling their super expensive watches, rings, bracelets, suits, etc, etc. Also, just look at the enthusiasm on his face while reading that stuff. It's electric, LOL. It's like he's going on death row or something, that's how happy he seems while reading that thing.Link +4 / -0 -
Why Do You No Longer Believe in God?
by Tenacious ini know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
Because the more I learn about the universe, the more I understand about our world, the less likely it seems that a god or that gods exist. At first, I tried to reconcile my theistic upbringing with science, by thinking maybe God is what triggered the Big Bang and Evolution. Then, I realized that only my emotions were making me think that way, and that there's no rational reason to think that way. So, after all, why would I? Think of it this way. If since you were born nobody ever talked to you about this concept of God. Nobody brainwashed you from the earliest age by constantly telling you about this invisible deity. If you had simply just learned about the world and the universe as we understand it today, without any religious intervention, would you have had any reason to come up on your own with this concept of God?Link +1 / -0 -
How Cultish are the JW's?
by xjwsrock infirst off, i certainly agree the jw's are a cult.
but i'm sensitive to black-and-white thinking now.. so, where do they rank on the scale?
think of a cultish religion scale from 0-10.. consider the likes of unitarian universalism vs baptist vs amish vs charles manson.. where do you think jw's fall on the scale?.
Giving a rating of 10 to the suicide cults, I would also give a 10 to the JW cult. My reasons for this are simple. I had to spend 4 hours begging my mother to forget her brainwashing and choose not to die by taking a blood transfusion. Thankfully, she ultimately did, but I can't get over the fact that this cult almost killed her for nothing.
Aside from that, at the age of 19, she left her Christian Orthodox family because they didn't approve of the cult. She became a pioneer in the communist regime (the first pioneer in this country), preaching and illegally transporting literature at the risk of imprisonment or death. She gave up everything for this cult: family, freedom and life. When a life and death situation came, the cult said they have no obligation to help her. On top of that, they said she disassociated.
So, based on my personal experience as well as everything else I know and was taught about the cult, this cult does the following:
- asks members to die by refusing blood
- asks members to kill their children by refusing blood for them
- shuns members that leave or oppose these teachings
- limits social contact with the outside world
- brainwashes members into irrational beliefs
- demands the time and resources of members
- controls every aspect of the life of members (marriage, sex, appearance, education, profession, hobbies, holidays, etc)
- tolerates pedophiles
Taking into account that in the past this cult did not allow organ transplants and even vaccines, alongside the blood transfusion issue, I think the number of victims it has made far exceeds that of any other death cult (HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS), with the exception of Islam. With all this in mind, I strongly believe it is a 10 on the scale, being one of the most destructive types of cults in existence.Link +3 / -0 -
Apostasy and Pedophile Scandal are Spreading
by cookiemaster inso here's an interesting thing that happened lately.
if you guys have followed my previous posts, you probably know my mother almost died from severe anemia, decided to take blood transfusions to avoid death and the elders announced the congregation she disassociated.
last week a "brother" came to visit from a congo about 100 kilometers away.
Thanks guys for your feedback. Really interesting stuff. I just wanted to add that this really made my mother wonder about the real nature of the borg. She's DA'd but she was hoping they'll take her back in the future. I really tried to open her eyes about stuff, but didn't really believe me. Now that she has seen that others see things the same, and that the pedo scandal is very much real and impacting the faith of many JWs, she now just sits quietly and listens to any criticism about the beloved Borg and its leaders. It's kinda shocking for all in our family that long time JWs are now questioning the Borg and its integrity. Both my parents agree that the pedo policy is wrong and should be changed. In fact, all JWs that I've talked to and know about it say that it's wrong. This organization is rotten to the core and many are still in just to keep up apperances. Things aren't looking so good for their future.
Link +5 / -0 -
Apostasy and Pedophile Scandal are Spreading
by cookiemaster inso here's an interesting thing that happened lately.
if you guys have followed my previous posts, you probably know my mother almost died from severe anemia, decided to take blood transfusions to avoid death and the elders announced the congregation she disassociated.
last week a "brother" came to visit from a congo about 100 kilometers away.
So here's an interesting thing that happened lately. If you guys have followed my previous posts, you probably know my mother almost died from severe anemia, decided to take blood transfusions to avoid death and the elders announced the congregation she disassociated.
Well. last week a "brother" came to visit from a congo about 100 kilometers away. He's known my parents for a long time and visits us every few months to stay in touch. His wife (also a JW) suffers from depression and hasn't gone to any meeting in 6 years. He still goes though. Anyway, he comes into our house. My father was gone to do some work, so only me and my mother were home. The brother starts doing small talk, but my mother doesn't really answer. I entertain him for a while by engaging in conversation. He goes for a minute outside.
During that time I tell my mother to talk to him and act normally because he might not know she's DA'd. When he comes back he starts talking about how some things don't seem to be right with the organization. That when somebody disagrees with something is automatically labeled an apostate and treated like the plague. He says he thinks this is a form of emotional abuse. I say that I agree. Then he tells us that the brothers aren't perfect, that some doctrines still need improvement. He expressed somewhat jokingly his long-time passion for martial arts and how he doesn't understand why JWs can't learn more about self defense.
At this point I get an important call and leave my mother and him alone. I could only return after he left. She later told me that after I left, she told him her current status. He said he's aware, but doesn't care and wanted to know how we are doing. He also told her about the Australian pedophile scandal, some other doubts about the organization and that he's very discouraged and the elders have been very rude about addressing his doubts.
The brother also asked my mother what she thinks he should do in a similar situation when a blood transfusion is required. So clearly, this guy has some serious doubts. From the way he talked to me it seems he might even be an "apostate" like us. Either way, apparently the spirit of doubt is spreading and more and more JWs are hearing about the pedophile scandals. Their numbers are dropping in his corner of Europe compared to 10 years ago. I think these small indicators show that the future spells trouble for the borg.Link +45 / -0 -
Pioneer Service School Videos
by wifibandit infirst, i'd like to give a big thank you to the anonymous person who provided me the files.
second, if you have the rest of the english videos, or anything else you would like to leak, please pm me.. download links in the descriptions and here.
Lett is such a weirdo. He makes these super exaggerated expressions and gestures, like he's trying to communicate with 3 year old children. Not only does he seem extremely condescending, but he reaches a point at which he simply seems silly and ridiculous. I feel embarrassed for him just from watching the video, because honestly, all this ridiculousness makes him seem like a moron.Link +1 / -0 -
Fake Reporting, Growth and Crap Blessings
by cookiemaster ini think the numbers shown in the yearbook and with other occasions that are used by the gibberish buddies to boast about the blessings from jehovah are super fake and inflated, much of it even without their knowledge.
i think they like to take advantage of all sorts of technicalities and loopholes to report numbers as great as possible, but it's not like jws are super reliable sources of reporting.for example i have not been in field circus for something like two years.
i never talked about "the truth" with any non-jw, yet i've never been considered inactive.
Vidiot- I have but sadly it's not as simple as that. We live in a remote mountain region. Think remote ranch in Montana, or something like that. There aren't many people around. She only has two worldly friends. Making new friends in this area, especially at 60 is very difficult. Most of our family are JWs and she has life long JW friends that are like family to her. She has no worldly hobbies or passions. I explained to her that she can always find new friends, but it's not easy to her, especially after spending a life time in this cult.Link +2 / -0 -
Fake Reporting, Growth and Crap Blessings
by cookiemaster ini think the numbers shown in the yearbook and with other occasions that are used by the gibberish buddies to boast about the blessings from jehovah are super fake and inflated, much of it even without their knowledge.
i think they like to take advantage of all sorts of technicalities and loopholes to report numbers as great as possible, but it's not like jws are super reliable sources of reporting.for example i have not been in field circus for something like two years.
i never talked about "the truth" with any non-jw, yet i've never been considered inactive.
CultBGone - I couldn't agree more. It really is just like the media of today, which likes to fudge numbers and basically claim whatever they want. The GB has mastered this art. I think there are tens of ways to jack up the numbers, and they don't hesitate to use them. The thing is that the org might be much more weakened than we think it is.
ONightDivine - LOL, that's a good one. They're very resourceful like that, in finding effort free ways to claim to have done much more than in reality. I remember this special pioneer friend that used to make me drive his car for an hour to a remote town. Go to three houses and say it's already very late and we should return. Again, one hour drive back. All that time was reported. We maybe did 15-30 minutes of actual witnessing, but the report card said two and a half hours.
Dissonant 15 - Yes, the yearbooks seem very inaccurate. I think literature numbers can be just as easily fudged because they don't bother to do much tracking. As long as you don't report outrageous numbers, like 500 magazines or something, it's fine. About my blood experience, it was really horrifying. One of the most horrifying things I've been through in my life. You know, I was just like you. I've worried about it before in the past because of my parents. But they were both healthy and I thought what are the chances of happening to me. Then, all of the sudden and quite unexpectedly, it did. And I felt to helpless because my mother had her mind taken over by this blood doctrine and I couldn't bring her to reason. She didn't have a serious condition as it was easily treatable, but without a transfusion she would've died, and it would all be for nothing. I remember being at the hospital. The doctor told me she has just hours left to live without a transfusion. My only chance to save her was to convince her to take the transfusion. Her life hung in the balance of my persuasion. It was a nightmare. Medical care is confidential here too. The elders found out because a brother from the blood committee just busted his way in her room in the ICU right when she was getting a transfusion. Then, she told everyone. And the damn elders insisted to meet with her to disfellowship her right after she came from the hospital. It was very disrespectful and intrusive. They acted very much like assholes, without any respect or consideration for the trauma we've all been through.Link +3 / -0 -
Fake Reporting, Growth and Crap Blessings
by cookiemaster ini think the numbers shown in the yearbook and with other occasions that are used by the gibberish buddies to boast about the blessings from jehovah are super fake and inflated, much of it even without their knowledge.
i think they like to take advantage of all sorts of technicalities and loopholes to report numbers as great as possible, but it's not like jws are super reliable sources of reporting.for example i have not been in field circus for something like two years.
i never talked about "the truth" with any non-jw, yet i've never been considered inactive.
I think the numbers shown in the Yearbook and with other occasions that are used by the Gibberish Buddies to boast about the blessings from Jehovah are super fake and inflated, much of it even without their knowledge. I think they like to take advantage of all sorts of technicalities and loopholes to report numbers as great as possible, but it's not like JWs are super reliable sources of reporting.
For example I have not been in field circus for something like two years. I never talked about "the truth" with any non-JW, yet I've never been considered inactive. How is that possible, you might ask? Well, at first I reported fake time just to not upset my parents by being declared inactive. They knew I never went in service but still reported time but never said anything. Later, I expressed doubts about JWs, and now finally I got to the point where I told them I think the entire religion is bullshit after I barely managed to convince my mom to accept a blood transfusion to save her life.
They have their doubts too. My mother is disfellowshipped for accepting the transfusion but hopes to get back into the cult especially due to the social aspect. All their friends and family are JWs and even though both my parents have doubts about the cult, and my mother is disfellowshipped, they choose to stay in. Anyway, the funny thing is that I still never go to field service, never talk to anyone or give away magazines. I don't even talk to the elders. I never answer when they call and haven't been to the hall in half a year. Still, when elders call my father and even though I didn't ask him to, he reports time for me. And not just an hour, but something like 7-10 hours and numerous magazines. He does the same for himself, even though he doesn't go in field service either.
But I wonder just how many others do that too. I personally knew some. I mean, JWs like to brag about the billions of field service hours, but I wonder how much of that is fake reporting or hours spent wasting time. And they brag about publisher numbers and incredible growth, but how many of those are reporting time just not to be considered inactive or only spend a couple of hours in service for the sake of appearances? To me it seems like most of the bragging about blessings based on numbers is nonsense.
They brag about record Memorial attendance numbers, even though having all those people there doesn't achieve shit. Same with the billions of hours, most spent wasting time. Same with the millions of magazines that no one actually reads. And most of their growth in numbers comes from developing countries with large, poor, uneducated populations that are easily attracted to cults. If you look beneath the surface and start analyzing things in detail, I bet things are not so great for the cult as the GB tries to make it about to be.Link +4 / -0 -
Nearly Killing My Mother Wasn't Enough !
by cookiemaster inas some of you might have read last week, my mother had extremely low hemoglobin and without it, she would have died.
i have somehow managed to bring her to reason and accept the transfusion.
it saved her life.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and for the advice. It was indeed my mother's house and she didn't want to kick them out. I wasn't there anyway, on purpose, because I knew I'd get to angry with them, I'd just kick them out. If it were up to me, I would have denied everything. After all, they don't have access to medical records. Sadly, my mother confessed right from the day she got the transfusion. She's still under the cult's mind spell and thought she was doing the right thing by admitting it. I will most definitely seek to take legal action. I will also take all legal measures possible against this cult. Including bad publicity on the media. Using social media. Posters informing people of the dangers they pose. I will make sure everyone in this area finds out my mother's story and how they almost made her die for their stupid little beliefs. By the time I'm done with them, no sane person will even want to carry a conversation with the members of this cult.Link +3 / -0