Okay, I read this. And after a few drinks I read it again, and I think I get where you're going.
I was actually born into the JW's, so all concept folders and information was set for me. However, my father, an ex-military man and green beret, was an extremely logical thinker... even when he became a witness, and I inherited that from him. Now, using your folder illustraton, he created in me what I would consider a wire metal rack on which to hold each folder, and each folder contains information, etc. Due to the nature of the JW's, information is always changing, (logically, according to my father) one should be able to access one sheet from one folder without disrupting all the other folders in the pile. Even if what was on the folder didn't make sense, it didn't cause a disturbance to anything else. That is how my core system is set up.
As a writer and an artist, this allows me to go and visit different "worlds"... hang out with different groups of people and spend time with them and file what I learn into the wire rack without ever moving the core structure of who I am. I don't get lost. sometimes I learn new information about life, the world, the universe, etc. and that means I have to open several folders and change several sheets of paper. but i do this, and i'm a more informed person for such.
With all this being said, (and you can't say sh*t about the length... lol!) I as a person am extremely sensitive to the world around me. so what controls me is usually the energy that is around me and the direction in which it is going. not immedately, just... generally. I move with the planet, not just the people in the room type thing Now, the wire frame folder holder DOES NOT CHANGE... ever. everything else might, but my core value system is immovable (concepts like integrty, loyalty, and chivalry, etc.). if the wire frame were my vehicle, then the energy of the environment would be my gasoline.
Finally, I will state that I had no trouble leaving the truth with this concept in my programming. Already many things didn't make sense. they got their own folder. i had experienced the world and bethel (backseatdevil.com) and I found that many of the traits found in the world had similar correlation with traits in the organization, and vice versa. Because of the ease in which I could pick up on sociological patters, I had little trouble understanding where I was walking in the world... it wasn't scary. and the more I learned, the more info got stuffed into the folders.... but I did it without disturbing my wire rack core.