The world, is so full of color... and especially at your age it's waiting for you to reach out with fresh hands and fingerpaint whatever the f you want to paint. And that is kind of the beauty of being free of the JW's, you get to create the world YOU want that works for YOU. And when you are the best you that you can be... you then start adding positively to the world around you, making the world a better place. Getting there is going to be dirty and hard, it's going to suck, but it's REAL and it's ALIVE, and it's beautiful.
You may be independent, distant from your family... they don't know you (or the "essence" of you as you put it). And they're not going to. Or they might, but it will be with Jehovah-colored glasses. You... as independent as you are... seem like you are biting at the bit to just do everything you've ever seen in the movies... lol. I may be reading that wrong, but it's okay if you are. I get it.
Good people in your life work as a safety net ONLY. Not human versions of Post-It notes sccribbled with affirmations. You don't need that. That's clutter. You don't want clutter, you want freedom. A saftey net is who you call when you get kicked out of the house and you need a couch to sleep on, or who will drive you home when you've had too much to drink. They are the ones that stand behind you after a harsh break up or stand beside you when you bury a loved one. It's not something used often, but none of that is given in any reality with the JWs because their friendships come with boundaries and limitations, both in life experience and in capacity to digest information. For such, nobody well ever see the real you... you're bigger then what their scope allows for them to see. You already know this, which is why it's interesting to read this from my end.
You know what you want. You know how it's going to better your life and yourself as a human being. You think things through REALLY well. And you know you're going to be a better person for it. So... get to it already. :-)
(and that's about as much of a f'n pep talk as you'll ever get out of me... lol)