MacHislopp is also a wonderful researcher.
and likely rutherford and other top society officer must have known about this event ?
government motion in judges chambers:
this was fascinating, because while the society was allowed many motions, the government only made one motion ?
MacHislopp is also a wonderful researcher.
and likely rutherford and other top society officer must have known about this event ?
government motion in judges chambers:
this was fascinating, because while the society was allowed many motions, the government only made one motion ?
OK I give up on that post .
Simon please get the demons out of this site!!!!!!!!
Thank you Amazing, I appreciate that you took a lot of time to research and write this material. ( I beg of you, you rotten little computer, just keep going).....
Things I have wondered about;
and likely rutherford and other top society officer must have known about this event ?
government motion in judges chambers:
this was fascinating, because while the society was allowed many motions, the government only made one motion ?
Once more with feeling...............
I appreciate that you took a lot of time to research and write this material. You are Amazing.
in the year 1984 :
in the year 1990
watch tower society?s publications
Whenever I see a post started by you McHislopp, I drop all and settle back for a good read. This one, like all your other posts, is excellent. Thank you very much.
hey folks,.
i was in a discussion with a jw and the subject came up about the watchtower and their fds being gods sole channel and visable org.
i mentioned that the watchtower claims that they were chosen in 1919. i was abruptly told that had to have come from old literature.
How about this
Revelation Climax
re chap. 21 p. 137 Jehovah?s Plagues on Christendom ***32
This fall from the spiritual heavens became apparent in the year 1919 when, rather than Christendom?s clergy, the small remnant of anointed Christians was appointed over the Kingdom interests. (Matthew 24:45-47) And from 1922 that fall was dramatized when this group of Christians renewed their campaign of frankly exposing the failings of the clergy of Christendom.yesidid
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Absolutely not.
i knew some that secretly celebrated thanksgiving, the 4th of july, christmas (the day after) new year's eve, and birthdays.
my family always had a turkey on thanksgiving and we might invite only close friends that we knew would not get stumbled.
Yes I celebrated birthdays as a witness and with the blessings of the congregation. In fact all Witnesses celebrated birthdays until 1951.
It was in the October 1 Watchtower that a Dorothy Dix question was the excuse to tell the R&F that birthdays were henceforth forbidden.
I remember it well.
w51 10/1 p. 607 Questions from Readers ***Questions from Readers
? Is it proper to have or attend celebrations of birthday anniversaries??F. K., Nevada.
Such celebrations have their roots in pagan religions, and not Scriptural grounds. Some Bible commentators suggest that birthday celebrations may have had their origin in the "notion of the immortality of the soul". Astrologers and stargazers laid great stress on offering sacrifices to the gods each year when the stars and planets were in the same position as when one was born. In Egyptian mythology the "birthdays of the gods" were celebrated on certain days, and in Chinese mythology individuals offered special sacrifices on their birthdays to Shou Hsing, the god of longevity. The ancient Anglo-Saxons celebrated the birthday of the "Lord Moon", spoken of as meni at Isaiah 65:11 (margin), by making cakes "called Nur-Cakes, or Birthcakes"; and candles also are of pagan origin.?See Hislop?s Two Babylons, pages 95, 191-196.After telling us that December 25 was the traditional birthday of Nimrod, and not of Jesus, the new book What Has Religion Done for Mankind? states: "The inspired Scriptures do not give the birth date of Jesus, and it does not matter, for neither Jesus nor God his Father nor the inspired apostles instructed us to celebrate Jesus? birthday. The only birthday celebrations that the Holy Scriptures mention are those of pagans, those of Egypt?s Pharaoh and of Herod Antipas who marked his birthday by having John the Baptist?s head chopped off. (Gen. 40:20; Matt. 14:6; Mark 6:21) Christ?s disciples of the first century shunned birthday celebrations as being pagan, unchristian!"
Doubtless many things practiced by Christians today were also practiced by pagans; but when these practices are steeped in false worship contrary to Bible principle they become objectionable. The celebration of birthday anniversaries centers the mind on the creature and exalts the creature, giving him and his birth undue importance. Romans 1:25 (NW) warns of those who "venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created". Birthday celebrations could tend to take on this objectionable quality. If Christians wish to come together occasionally for profitable fellowship and relaxation, they do not have to await a day reminiscent of pagan religion. If they wish to present a brother with a gift, they do not have to await the anniversary of the day of his entry into the world, as though that were such a memorable occasion. If the precise day of Jesus? birth and its remembrance were of no such noteworthiness, whose are?,,30000-1116837,00.html
one person has been killed and 51 injured - two seriously - after a coach and land rover collided.. the land rover driver was declared dead at the scene and the coach driver was seriously injured in the accident on the a286 near brook, surrey.
a further 49 people on the coach were taken to either frimley park hospital or the royal surrey county hospital at guildford with a range of minor injuries and shock.a passenger in the land rover was also seriously injured in tuesday evening's accident.. the coach was returning to chichester from london and was carrying people aged from eight to their mid-70s.. a "handful" of children were believed to have suffered superficial injuries.
Amen and amen.
Thank you Simon your words are both balanced and designed to bring out the best of human sentiments.
We all need to have our better selves magnified, our petty selves minimised.
Thank you for helping me in that endeavor.
the sydney international convention is getting some press with claims of 60,000 foreign visitors.. the convention will be held in the olympic stadium and apparently there'll even be special trains.. would you like to join them?
it seems they'll invite any old apostate; why, even i have been invited!
i'm told the branch committee would love to see me!
Thanks for the info. We will make plans immediately.
BTW Have you actually been zapped?
a thread that was posted recently was talking about the audiocassette and it brought back memories of how i became a company man or as we used to say ?a society man?
due to those cassettes
o yes-- the reading of the mags- well when i was at bethel there was a reading test given to all ms who wanted to sign up for the opportunity to be a audiocassette reader/ dramas
Thank you James
Hey that was great stuff. You?re a good writer. You sure know how to hold the interest.
We feel the same about leaving. It wasn?t the people it was the doctrines, the lies and the deceptions.
I also agree, if you have family in, it is better if da?ing can be avoided.
I also want to thank you for the excellent topic you posted a couple of months ago. It deserved more reaction than it received. I was going to reply then got sidetracked.