Hi Justitia,
Now I have simmered down a bit I would like to apologize and explain why I was so upset.
First I apologize. As you pointed out I was aggressive in my posts. I should not have been, I am sorry.
If you will bear with me I will give you some background which may explain the anger I was feeling at the time.
My brother whom I shall call Gary was on the circuit work. One of the brothers in my husband’s family was a circuit and then a district overseer. I shall call him Paul. Gary went off the circuit and was given nothing, but he had good health and coped. Paul, who was never robust, but sincerely loved God and really wanted to help his fellow witnesses, kept going many years after he should have stopped. At last, when his health was completely wrecked he stepped down. Paul was so ill he could not work, and it took him many, many years to recover. His wife did what she could. He was never, at any time given even one cent by the society. Not even the gas money to get them from their assignment to their family fifteen hundred miles away. As for medical bills, the family did what they could, but we were brainwashed witnesses putting "kingdom interests first", and had little money. As a close family I lived the pain of their poverty. For many years they lived in an old trailer on others properties. Then in an old house which was later condemned. I knew there were times Paul needed medical help but could not afford it. I also know that at this present time the society's policy for ex co's and do's is, as Trojan has confirmed :
"Yes, there is a policy of: NO-help whatsoever, kick-ehm-out, send ehm to the desert".
So you may now be able to understand why I was angry as I followed this conversation:
Cbew said:
No wonder so many COs and their wives are depressed and miserable. Many of them do not have anything to fall back on once they leave the work! I would be depressed and miserable too! The Society has certainly conned alot of people. I hope their day of reckoning comes all the more sooner .
Then you Justitia replied:
Dear Cbew:
Don't cry for them too much. They get pensioned and medical for the rest of their lives. My very best friend's mother and father just "retired" from the circuit work.
Cbew replied:
I am not crying to much for them Justita, just saddened because they sacrificed so much for nothing. I didn't realize their medical needs are looked after by the Society when they retire from circuit work. I suppose to receive their "benefit package" they still have to tow the organizational line.
It was obvious from Cbews reply that, from your comments, she and others would think that ALL ex co’s and do’s were looked after in comfort, by the society.
That so negates the sacrifice of my family members, whom I dearly love, and that of many other ex co’s and do’s who have paid the high price of aged poverty for sincerely doing what they thought was right.
Perhaps you now understand why I was so upset.