They wouldn't have to DH there basic life support...Amazing to me they have that ...and frown upon regular publishers doing that for local EMS,Rescue or Fire Dept's.Another do as I say not as I do.
JoinedPosts by Redneck
Watchtower "Ambulance" Service!
by Voyager in . .
**********************************************************************************************************ambulance services.
Should JWs be allowed to adopt children?
by Brummie inif they were unable to produce their own?.
what would be you're response to that question?.
consider that they are just human and have the same paternal instincts as most people do, the desire to be a mom & dad, to hold a lil bundle of joy, or to nurse and care for a child etc their doctrine and faith is one of honesty and trust and will install in a child the values of keeping the law, avoiding such things as drug abuse, theft and harming others.. .
To adopt a child there is alot of hoops to jump thru and there are things you have to agree NOT to do..In some if not all corporal punishment is not allowed..I believe the blood issue should be included in that..
There are other religions that arent what there cracked upto be either,however there given children..Most people I was raised with in the cong were good people..And would deserve a chance to have a child as anyone else..
Should they be allowed to adopt....YES
They should be allowed to and there is not a legal reason they shouldn't..BUT on a personnel level I wouldn't want to see it..So many oppurtunities in life can be taken away by following the JW ways of life..A person may never reach there full potential in life because they realize the Truth is just lie to late..
Would I want them to? ...NO
Where do I find others in my area (Raleigh Durham, NC)
by ddean3673 in.
the only thing i've been able to find is the site, which there is a meetup in early feb. with one person attending so far, have to doubt how great it is if no one is going.... any suggestions?.
Sup folks, grew up in the Asheboro area myself...
ahhhhh yes...The famouse pioneer ,Sister Brown...She was and is the one of the most judgemental , rude and contageruise person ya would ever meet...And to think God would put such a socail retard in charge is just funny....
Whats hilariouse is no one believes it...But there all well the spirit moves in mysteriouse ways..I could write a book on her lil quirks...
Now ya know I said ya couldn't share my pics with everyone..
Has anyone else heard this prediction?
by Mulan ini heard a discussion on fox news last night about a surprise at the republican convention this week.
i cannot remember the analyst's name but he was basing it on several factors: dick cheney has cancelled all public appearances scheduled for this week (tv and radio interviews,etc)john mccain is speaking at the convention tonight (monday)tomorrow john mccain leaves ny to join the president in the west for two days of personal appearances and campaigningboth of them return to ny for the convention and the acceptance speech on thursdaylots of buzz at the convention about a big surprise coming during the week.. the prediction is that cheney will announce that his doctor has advised him that his health may not stand another 4 years as vp and that bush will announce john mccain as his running mate.
did anyone else hear this?
WOW..if that is true it will throw a whole new spin on things want it..
Strange Bar Snacks
by Mac ini know we've all had the usual salty delights placed along the beer slickened runways of our favorite and not so favorite watering holes...(pretzels, peanuts and popcorn etc....)
but have you ever visted an establishment that veered just a tad from the traditional?
i know of a place that always has bags of saltine crackers and squeeze mustard placed along the bar and a tables.
Stef Ya drink 12 of those and can walk out ..I'd buyem just to see that... I had 5 the other week and was just a weeee bit toasted..they were on specail though...$3.50...
Strange Bar Snacks
by Mac ini know we've all had the usual salty delights placed along the beer slickened runways of our favorite and not so favorite watering holes...(pretzels, peanuts and popcorn etc....)
but have you ever visted an establishment that veered just a tad from the traditional?
i know of a place that always has bags of saltine crackers and squeeze mustard placed along the bar and a tables.
DanO always helps to stop at a greasy spoon after a nite out...makes the next morning bearable..
I dont go out that often one of them thar socail drinkers..
DanO....ya switch that bud over to coors light or sumthing and Teq and ya got yaself a drinking partner...
Strange Bar Snacks
by Mac ini know we've all had the usual salty delights placed along the beer slickened runways of our favorite and not so favorite watering holes...(pretzels, peanuts and popcorn etc....)
but have you ever visted an establishment that veered just a tad from the traditional?
i know of a place that always has bags of saltine crackers and squeeze mustard placed along the bar and a tables.
Stefanie I think I am falling in LOVES with ya lil lady..
Strange Bar Snacks
by Mac ini know we've all had the usual salty delights placed along the beer slickened runways of our favorite and not so favorite watering holes...(pretzels, peanuts and popcorn etc....)
but have you ever visted an establishment that veered just a tad from the traditional?
i know of a place that always has bags of saltine crackers and squeeze mustard placed along the bar and a tables.
LOL @Mac ya got it ...
LMAO @Dan those are the best foods man.....I have to agree with ya on the porkrinds though...cept ya need CHEERWINE withem....
Greasy foods ehhh...How bout some deep fried gizzzards and RedHot...thats awesome..actually made me some last nite